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black head swan?

Mr Rizzini

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For what it's worth there is a black-necked swan and one could have escaped from a WWT or similar site. But the fact you are seeing so many of them, makes it very likely that they are actually a goose. I think you are from NI, there aren't a great number of Canadas in the country, where about's are you?


The only goose that has a black neck and is present in high population densities in Northern Ireland, to my mind would be the Brent, but they are quite a small goose. I look forward to seeing the photo

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If you cant get a photo up what about a full description, Colour of belly\back\wings\legs\bill\neck \feet and head. Any calls or wing noise ? Size , flock formation and so on.


While I have never heard of black headed mute or whooper swans they often have discoloured heads when feeding in iron rich water they can be orange as the feathers stain. It may be possible that the heads have been stained blackish feeding in peaty water. As teal says there black necked swans , but I think its very unlikely to have more than one or two escapes.


If you are seeing them in 100s then they are most likely to be geese. canadas are big birds , but half the sise of a swan. A mute \ whooper swan will be about 4 feet 6 inches tall with a 7 foot wingspan.

Edited by anser2
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