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Had these last night on a smallholding where there are constant problems, definitely not this years cubs and clued up. We had a spot overlooking her chicken pens and had the fox pro out and really not a lot of action of anything for an hour. Then a spot of hand calling and I caught the backside of one slipping along a gulley so it was just out of sight. Spotting was with the archer as handheld and we had some nv binocs as well, the pair were not really interested and circled us before coming into sight again. They knew something was up and may have got a slight bit of wind as they popped through a fence and the one sat half behind a fence post watching. We tried most calls and it wasn't playing game and the other had moved off so I shot the one being fairly careful to find a hole in the pig wire, with a load more calling and no sign of the second we drove down to the gap. I was spotting as we went then caught a glimpse of an eye just as the driver was getting out in a thistle patch about 80 yards out, I stopped him and rapidly shot that one with a nice thump.


Then we tried to find them should have been simple but in the end heaved the hound over who found the first fairly easily then the second took a little longer being in the middle of thistles but she soon had that as well. The first was probably the biggest and best nick dog fox I've shot. First trip out with the deerelight with IR module with the NV and really it is seriously good, rabbits at 200 yards would have been easy shots as you could still wind the magnification well up. Foxes well it almost seems unfair.



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these didn't want to know a fox call, guess as they were already paired up they were less interested,


we did have one later under the lamp that was shot at 240, I might add not by me and there was another with that as well but that cleared off pretty much as soon as the lamp went on it. The beautiful thing with the NV is managing to watch them come in and not have to rush a shot, and also the fact they often like the second sit tight and think they are safe whereas with a lamp they tend to do one.

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Nicely done :good:

Just took delivery of a Deerelight with Red LED,quite impressed with it,certainly was clearer than the 170 with red filter.

Although only a quick look to see what it was like,it lit up some sheep and their eyes at 250yds and added to the scope i could see the x hair clearly on objects out to 200yds.

Still waiting for my Archer to arrive ....it's like my left arm is missing :sad1: :sad1:

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