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Ferret Master

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In my area the undergrowth is still to thick in many places to start ferreting, there are a few buries that I could probably try soon but I'm going to wait for a bit until all the undergrowth has died back more. I will be doing a bit of clearance around the buries this week with some secatures. The area is very brambley but I assume there will not be much new growth this time of year now that the nights are drawing in however they certainly will not have had any problems photosynthesising the past few days as it has been very sunny. When do you think the brambles will start to recede? :blink: I WANT SOME FOUL WEATHER TO KILL THE UNDERGROWTH BACK. :blush::good:


When are you guys starting or have you already started? When do you think the first frosts will be?


FM :good:

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Iv started already. :yes:


But, on some of the new permission i have just aquired, the cover is thick and not ferretable as yet. :good:

Like your self FM, the old secatures come in handy. :oops:


As for frosts, im begining to think it gets later every year to come. I remember, some 15 years ago, frosts starting up this time of the year. At the moment, its still like summer. :good:


Around middle of October onwards Fm, when the real frosts start, but they dont sem to last for long, as a mild spell for a week or more after seems to follow. :blush:


Good luck for when you get out FM :good:




I tried some on sunday,I put the old jill in some single/double hole burries then put the newbies in.

I then tried not to look worried :blink:


It will be nice when everything dies back.


Did you have any luck H? :lol:



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Hey all


Am only new to the hole thing and have yet to put either my jill or hob into the buries, would the jill be the better to use?? should i be tryin to get them used to some sort of call like a whisle so they no to come back to me?


Cheers jim




Try the one that looks the most interested.

If you don't house them together, I wouldn't work them together, just try one at a time.


When I feed mine from kits, I make a squeaking noise as I approach the hutches, this gets them up on the bars.

I make the same noise when I am stroking and playing with them.

When I want them out of the earths, I make the same noise.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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Thanks for all of your replies. :blush: I was pleased to notice that when out lamping for slugs with the bb gun tonight that it was very cool and my breath was hanging in the air for a good few seconds so while the weather is warm in these anti cyclonic days that we are having at the moment it soon cools down when the sun sets. :good:


A whistle is no substitute for a ferret finder. If the ferret is bottled up behind a big buck in a stop then if can't come to the call.


FM :good:

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A whistle is no substitute for a ferret finder. If the ferret is bottled up behind a big buck in a stop then if can't come to the call.


FM :blush:


If that was in reply to my comment about making squeaking noices to my young ferrets, I don't remember mentioning anything about it being better than a ferret finder, if a ferret is bottled up behind a big buck.


However, over the years I have called many ferrets off kills and also out of the earths when they have just been playing.

Some of us have been ferreting before ferret finders were invented.

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Did you have any luck H? :blush:



I was using the old jill to check if anyone was at home and to evict them,however no luck.I then let the little ùns have a go and they seemed to be curious as to what was expected of them,the old girl just sniffed then walked in a bit then out as she knew there was no-one about.

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hi all,


My first full day was on september 15th and was again on sunday morning. Many areas are still very dense with cover and I spent about an hour on the 15th clearing nettles and thistles. Aquired a 3rd long net so they have been used both times taking 19 rabbits over those two visits.


Agree with Cranfield, I give my ferrets a short sqeek when i'm aproaching and holding them, seems to work fairly well.


JimJim you could start introducing the sqeek to them, may take a while to get them responding. As Ferret Master says, get a ferret finder and you shouldnt have any probs. As for jills and hobs, I have had no problem working my hobs, they do occasionally kill down below but rarely stay with the rabbit. Your best to just try both and see what works.


P.S Got the firearms guy coming round tommorrow to view my house then it shouldnt be long till I get the .17hmr :yp:


yis andy

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Hi Guys,


I have never been ferreting but it is something that I wouldn't mind having a go at. I can't see that I would be able to have my own ferrets for a while.


Is there anyone reasonably local to me who wouldn't mind me tagging along?



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Hey guys,


cheers for tips lads al be investing in a finder at the end of this week!! any ideas on a top finder??


just lately on my very early drive to work i have near drove over some very young rabbits!! maybe the same ones every morning as its the same place everyday,


i have also been working on a farm the past few days and the rabbits must be hiding the place is usally covered hope someone hasnt got there before me with the nets haha


JIM :good:

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