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Yesterday I took out one novice !!


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After the previous weekends outing when my two friends fired 225 cartridges for not much in the bag I decided to take out a single novice this time. This was someone who shot game many years ago but who has been out of the country living in the French Alps. He turned up with a Holland and Holland side by side which he had inherited but which he had not used for a while. It was a very beautiful gun and possibly too good to be used in a hide.


The fields were the same as last week and I set the hides up 50m apart, the rotary was between us and the pattern set out to attract birds equally to the two hides. Birds came straight away and I got off the mark with some singletons. The birds which went to my left to the other side of the rotary were not being fired at and I had to go and see my friend to tell him that he should be getting shots off. He had thought that they were out of range but they were not. In order to convince him I set up two floaters 40m from his hide and told him that as soon as a bird passed those floaters it would be in range and that he should use them as a guide.


That seemed to do the trick and although he was a bit rusty he started to bring a few down and from then on we had an almost equal number of shots for the next three hours.


The Holland and Holland was put to good use and he ended up shooting 29 birds for 100 cartridges which was excellent considering that this was his first day's decoying. The final tally was 81 pigeons and 1 Jackdaw.

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