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Bob Tailed Fox

The Essex Hunter

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An evenings lamping with a mate was cancelled due to his son being poorly so off on my own. The field is only a few hundred yards from my house and the first set of eyes looked my way, a brisk pace to gain some ground to keep the shot safe, I re attached my LF 170 with the amber filer on the gun while it was on my quad sticks and off went the round 159 paces + the ditch I had to get over. Very big dog fox with a hole in it!

The second farm is around 5 minutes drive but quite a walk after today’s pigeon shooting! A set of eyes out around 250 plus were looking not moving so I made my way down as this fox was going to be front on for sure. The wind was good so I stopped around 160 with the fox never moving just turned his head….click, crack and a thud.

And to my surprise no tail!! It was just like a docked dog’s tail no scar’s just no brush!









Edited by The Essex Hunter
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Is it just genetic the bob tail or lost it?


I asked a mate this morning and over 40 years groups of them appear around our way as you cant shoot them all, one with the gene will breed at some point. It is a bit early but he might have cast a few seeds….only time will tell lol.




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On my friends farm he reckons there's a "bobtail", there's a £20 bonus on his head as he sits and watches the chicken coop but never seems to do anything wrong. When he was seen my friend used to get quite excited, as he has a lot of respect for him. Probably dead by now as i first heard about him about 5 years ago.

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