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Cheers Will, Good day/Night at the HUT !! for Myself and Scott..


Highly recommend the Pigeon Hut, Will looks after you all the time you are with him and "tries" his hardest to put you in the right place and keeps the birds moving... if he can !!


Today they did not want to play all that much........ BUT that's Winter shooting for you !!


Was good fun Lamping the bunnies on the Quad last night too..


Cheers Will and see you again soon we hope !!


Jason and Scott..


:good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

Edited by jmj121
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Will thanks for a great time at the farm. I really enjoyed the limping on the quad which I hadn't done before and thanks again for pulling me out of the mud with the tractor.


Looking forward to staying again in the summer





limping on the quad !!! ...............that's a new sport right ???:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Just spent Friday night/Saturday in the hut and I can thoroughly recommend it.


We arrived about 4ish and were shown around by Will and he also showed us the 100s of birds roosting int the wood, happy days. We had planned to have food in the Dog and Gun but Will popped his head round the door beforehand and asked if we wanted Fish & Chips as that's what he was having. So, of course we did too and very nice they were. Then Will takes us up to the pub and we have a few pints of the Landlord's Special and very nice that was too. Will's dad tells us the weather forecast is bad for the Saturday but what does he know, he's only a farmer.....


So bright and early we wake up after a cracking night's sleep in the (very warm and comfortable) hut, throw a massive fry up down us and up to the spot where we'd left the stuff the night before (forgot the bit where Will took us and all the kit up there the night before).

Anyway, as it happens, Will's Dad obviously does know a thing or two about the weather because it was rubbish, just like he said, snow and rain pretty much all day and the multitude of pigeons and crows we'd seen the night before stayed in bed.


But, a cracking time, great surroundings, lovely hut and wonderful people - we'll be back!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was great to have Nick and his wife over at the weekend.


I hope to see you both back soon.


The pigeons have done a real job on the rape, despite all your valiant efforts. But the combination of a bit of sun and some nitrogen will hopefully mean that decoying will be a bit more successful in the next few weeks.





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As Will said me and the missus spent the weekend with Will and his family, I can I can honestly say it was a fantastic weekend. The pigeons didn't play ball, but hey it was great to just be out there.

We got there around 15.30 and Will took us round and showed us the place, then we got settled into the Hut, everything you need is already there for you! Once the woodburner was lit, Will took us round for a bit of Roost shooting, which was excellent fun, then it was down to the Dog and Gun with Will, and his Mum and Dad for a cracking meal, a couple of pints and some excellent conversation and company. The following morning we overslept :blush: (I blame the good time we had the night before :rolleyes: ), but we got out eventually and had a wander round to try and bag some of those pesky pigeons, But I think all we did was moved them over to the other fields :lol: :lol:.The hut itself is very warm and cosy, the farm is an excellent place and we really will be back at some point for more of the same. Thanks Will for a cracking weekend, say Hi to your Mum and Dad for us please :good: :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well where shall I start. Had an amazing weekend at wills pigeon hut. Arrived around 1:30 where Will met us and showed us around the farm. We then got settled in the hut, which is stunning.

Wll invited us to have some shooting before roost so we decided to have a walk and do some recon. Got around 300 yards away when Alex said he thinks the hut is on fire, had a look and it sure was. I ran as fast as I could to the hut and grabbed a big hourse bucket of water and started fighting the fire. A this point Alex ( the cony hunter on pw ) was still mincing up the path. After a few minuets we got the fire out and not too much damage. Will is going to fix this so don't worry lads.

Looks like the log burner got too hot or possibly had a chimney fire but will was very quick to get us some new accommodation.

We stayed in the yert which is very impressive. That night at roost I probibally shot the worst I've ever shot, I blame it on being in shock.

Will and his farther took us to the pub where I had a fantastic meal served by a little stunner, and some great conversation.

Got back to the yert where we got all tucked up for the night ready for the following day.

Got up nice and early, all set up and it snowed, bloody typical, no birds came in and we were freezing. We decided to stick around for some roost shooting before heading off home and I'm glad we did. Had plenty of shots but not that many birds. I think our total bag for the weekend was 11, 6 shot by myself.

Although not a big bag we had some big smiles and I'm looking forward to returning if Will will have me. I can honestly say I've never been away and been made to feel so welcome, will and his family are lovely and do all they can to make your stay enjoyable.

Thanks again for a smashing time will.

A few pics followed by a vid of my awful shooting.




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Well where shall I start. Had an amazing weekend at wills pigeon hut. Arrived around 1:30 where Will met us and showed us around the farm. We then got settled in the hut, which is stunning.

Wll invited us to have some shooting before roost so we decided to have a walk and do some recon. Got around 300 yards away when Alex said he thinks the hut is on fire, had a look and it sure was. :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:I ran as fast as I could to the hut and grabbed a big hourse bucket of water and started fighting the fire :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . A this point Alex ( the cony hunter on pw ) was still mincing up the path. After a few minuets we got the fire out and not too much damage. Will is going to fix this so don't worry lads.

Looks like the log burner got too hot or possibly had a chimney fire but will was very quick to get us some new accommodation.

We stayed in the yert which is very impressive. That night at roost I probibally shot the worst I've ever shot, I blame it on being in shock.

Will and his farther took us to the pub where I had a fantastic meal served by a little stunner, and some great conversation.

Got back to the yert where we got all tucked up for the night ready for the following day.

Got up nice and early, all set up and it snowed, bloody typical, no birds came in and we were freezing. We decided to stick around for some roost shooting before heading off home and I'm glad we did. Had plenty of shots but not that many birds. I think our total bag for the weekend was 11, 6 shot by myself.

Although not a big bag we had some big smiles and I'm looking forward to returning if Will will have me. I can honestly say I've never been away and been made to feel so welcome, will and his family are lovely and do all they can to make your stay enjoyable.

Thanks again for a smashing time will.

A few pics followed by a vid of my awful shooting.




Not laughed so much in years cheers mate :good:

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A pleasure to have you both over. A shame you weren't wearing the gopro when you were firefighting.


The hut is now repainted and I have a double skinned flue for your next visit.


the flue is wider but luckily I didn't need to cut a larger hole as it had burned to roughly the right size :lol:


Hopefully see you both again soon.



Edited by scraptofthillfarm
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