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What's the general thoughts of putting down scraps to get the birds into the decoys......


I have noticed that the crows love bones and the woodies will eat anything if its there.....


Bolied rice in the garden last night had them in in minutes.....


Has anyone ever put feed out amongst their decoys......Is there any law preventing this?





Just a footnote have been using all the tips on here for the past week and changed a load of things around and what a difference.........thanks all.....

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What you are describing is baiting.


Baiting for crows and other corvids is a generally accepted method.


However baiting for pigeon, is generally considered to be unsporting, but some of the largest bags of pigeon ever recorded have been shot over fields that have been baited for weeks before.


I'm not aware of any law which prevents baiting for the species mentioned.



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There are no easy short cuts IMHO,but to ease it for you,get to a clay coach and start hitting good scores then get a day with a reputable guide and learn from watching him set up according to the conditions.

Then get out there and put what you learned into practice and when you get it right you can be justly proud of yourself.


Remember that you need to be on a field that the woodpigeon want to be on,baiting a field is silly unless you can spare TONS of cereal :good: It`s sad that you feel the need to even think about doing it IMO.

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Try a fresh shot Rabbit (or road kill), part skinned with its guts strewn about. Works a treat for Magpies also.




how many decoys?? with rotor?? on what surface, grass stubble what???


If you are useing a shotgun find where the crows are feeding -- freshly sown fields ---stubble --cut grass then make sure you make a hide that has a roof on so they cannot see you and just leave yourself a shooting gap, put out a few decoys spead them well out.

The mistake i think that most people make when decoying crows is they put the decoys to close together. :good::blush:



PS i use 12 full crow decoys and thats all the rotor doesnt seem to work for me.

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