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Killing badgers


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Hi there, was speaking to a farmer friend this evening concerning badgers, we were talking about the punishments for killing badgers? Before anyone jumps to conclusions I'm not planning on killing or harming any I'm just curious to the laws/punishments .... Thanks guys


from what ive heard its along the lines of a fine/prison time.


not sure if its a set fine and/or set prison time.


im sure someone will be far more imformed than me,

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what happens if you acciendently catch one in a snare? ie the snare was set up for foxes??


If its alive release it and don't tell anyone,if it's dead release it don't tell anyone,i think you can see where I'm going with this.






Disclaimer-This has never happened to me and the above was said tongue in cheek

Edited by welsh1
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"James shot the badger twice because he wanted to make sure he killed it humanely"


"But the magistrates imposed the full amount of costs £1,461.21 (including two vets’ post mortem examinations)"


Shot twice at close range with a shotgun, yet needed TWO post mortem examinations?!


I'm no vet, but i could probably hazard a good guess at cause of death in this case...

Edited by Bry-M
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