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Archer NV demo from Grasshopper


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After reading the many posts on PW about these Archer NVs I asked Grasshopper if I could tag along with him and experience it for myself in the Field.


Grasshopper said no problem and we were soon getting set up in a field where he said there was a fox knocking about.


He set out his Foxpro and started off with a mouse squeak , then changed to a vixen call followed by a chicken in distress.


After about an hour and a half GH said " Were in business" and passed me the Archer to have a look through , well I was absolutely amazed by the quality of the picture . I could clearly see the fox no problem at all and it was around 200 yards away.


The fox cautiously made its way around the hedgeline to get the wind and came in from roughly behind the motor but GH was ready and dropped a small vixen on the spot :good:


All i can say is thanks GH for showing me your set up , I was extremely amazed at the sight picture through the Archer and glad Im not a a fox :yes:



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All i can say is thanks GH for showing me your set up , I was extremely amazed at the sight picture through the Archer and glad Im not a a fox :yes:



Just glad 1 turned up Mark as i was only going to stake the place out in hope of a sighting...have to add that the Fox turned up within minutes of the Chicken call going on.

Glad to show a different side to foxing mate....what was it you called it "armchair foxing" :lol:

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I had an outing with Jeff quite a while ago to see his archer in action, no foxes showed up be we were clearly watching a hare that didnt even know we were there (it wasnt shot either) I was that impressed that I went out and purchased one 3 days later. They are an excellent bit of kit and make shooting dare I say it ! abit too easy :D



Edited by Luckyshot
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I had an outing with Jeff quite a while ago to see his archer in action, no foxes showed up be we were clearly watching a hare that didnt even know we were there (it wasnt shot either) I was that impressed that I went out and purchased one 3 days later. They are an excellent bit of kit and make shooting dare I say it ! abit too easy :D



You wouldn't be without it now though mate?

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Armchair foxing .............................. nice and cosy :lol: :lol:



If thats not armchair foxing what would you call my system as you just sit in the motor and watch the TV screen on the dashboard till you see charlie them just lean out the window with the NV on and its good night charlie.....

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If thats not armchair foxing what would you call my system as you just sit in the motor and watch the TV screen on the dashboard till you see charlie them just lean out the window with the NV on and its good night charlie.....


So long as you put the magazine into the rifle eh Mike?? :whistling: but that's another story isn't it? :lol: :lol:

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The Archer is not so clumsy eh mate?


Give Foxhunter his due,he came to find out what the hype was and i would think he was pleasantly surprised at how easy they are to use..once set up.

We where lucky in a sense that the Fox held up around the 200yd mark as this enabled me to pass him the rifle - still on the window rest and unloaded of course for him to view it several times.This was what i was hoping for as he had declined the offer of shooting.

At 1 point she was lying down as a dog would just watching us.

As it happened the only time it moved off the brow into a shoot-able position was when Mark hand squeaked it(of which i was impressed with) but when he handed back the rifle,she had headed back over the brow and was moving out of the field towards the hedge.

At this point we left the caller off and waited a good 10mins before Mark tried a few lip squeaks and i saw her enter the field some 300yds from where she left it.

NV attached and she was sat 90yds away looking at us.I loaded the rifle and she promptly moved..as they do until some 40yds later something got her attention and she did a full 180 turn and stopped side on...no 2nd invite was needed.

This was Fox no 48 for Mark this year so 2 more are needed before next Tuesday to get him the 50 up..i am available :ninja::lol:

Edited by grasshopper
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