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Police called to Caly shoot


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Armed police swoop on Essex clay pigeon shoot


Armed police descended on an organised clay pigeon shoot after concerns were raised about "men with guns".

The shoot was held near the Discovery Centre in Great Notley, near Braintree, on Sunday afternoon.

As the tactical firearms officers arrived on the ground, the police helicopter hovered overhead.

A spokeswoman for Essex Police said officers "established the men were part of an organised shoot" and then departed.


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How bloody rediculous.

Police always complaining about under funding but then send the helicopter up.

I remember reading once it's £10k every time it takes off (not sure how true that is).


No-where close to the truth. Would you prefer officers to be deployed on the ground and shot at? :no: It's a ridiculous argument to use the cheapest available resource rather than the most appropriate.

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No-where close to the truth. Would you prefer officers to be deployed on the ground and shot at? :no: It's a ridiculous argument to use the cheapest available resource rather than the most appropriate.


Hardly. They need to act on what they know, and we don't know exactly what information they were given at the time - though I find it hard to believe that they didn't know it was a clay shoot before they went. There certainly are times when they have wasted a huge amount of resources, including helicopters, going to a situation where they know full well there is no danger. I'm not saying it happened here, but they do overreact.

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No-where close to the truth. Would you prefer officers to be deployed on the ground and shot at? :no: It's a ridiculous argument to use the cheapest available resource rather than the most appropriate.


But it clearly wasn't appropriate. Should 10 armed police arrive when a car back fires as it is potentially the most appropriate? You have to be realistic.

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