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dry firing


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Have you ever been to a show where you have seen people cock rifles and dry fire them in the rack? Really gets on my tats as they have no intention on buying but wana cause unnecessary wear, also people sliding safety back and forward and barrel select on sg. Fair enough have a play if your looking to buy but don't jus mess with other peoples guns! Maybe I'm being ott but it's the way I was brought up, and for whatever reason this really strikes a nerve.

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Guys these things are built to last.


Do you honestly think much damage can be caused dry firing considering what stress the gun is under when firing live?

Pump or semiauto, dry firing is no problem, over/unders used to be different though, dunno if they still are.


Most issues with dry firing relate to older guns, springs, metalwork, etc.


MODERN guns have better engineering, machining and component part materials (except the Hatsans of course! :lol:), dry firing should not be a problem today!

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I think ppl are missing my point.... If I was at a car showroom jumped in a car started moving the seat beeping the horn flashing the lights and making brum brum noises in a car I obviously wasn't going to buy or couldn't afford would this be ok as that's what their built for and I wouldn't be damaging it.....

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I think ppl are missing my point.... If I was at a car showroom jumped in a car started moving the seat beeping the horn flashing the lights and making brum brum noises in a car I obviously wasn't going to buy or couldn't afford would this be ok as that's what their built for and I wouldn't be damaging it.....


I think I'd arrange for some "tailors" to fit you for a new white jacket that fastens at the back. :lol:

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