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First experience of wildfowling - loved it and hooked


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Had my first ever flight this morning with GWA, up at 0330am on a Sunday, even though the dogs saw the gun slip they went back to sleep!


Arrived at the marsh for 0530 after Mark (Highbird70) very kindly played taxi because he didn't want to turn up in my girlfriend's beetle (with obligatory flower in the vase) which I was going to have to use. Met up with our hosts and then a short walk in the darkness to the spot.


Ben (silver pigeon 3) explained the decoys and put them out very kindly in front of me and we settled down to wait. Very soon after the first light started to show some mallard came in from Ben's left and the first duck was in the bag after his young lab retrieved it. Then a couple of widgeon came paddling up to the decoys in front of me, I was willing them to get up so I could shoot them but no such luck until Ben fired a shot and I was too slow to react - I then learnt that you should fire above them to get them up and then shoot them!


Eventually a mallard drake decoyed perfectly and came into land in the decoys, one shot over its head then second shot takes it down and Roscoe the lab was straight on it.


I would have been happy with that as my first fowling experience but I looked up to see a pair of mallard crossing fast and about 40yds out, I hesitated but as Ben had said take every opportunity I shot at the leading bird twice, hitting it both times but harder with the second shot and it landed downstream nearer to Highbird70, his guide and Passionforangling (Dave) who was there as a spectator. Both dogs were then lead on a merry dance as the mallard kept diving and surfacing for a minute or so but they kept on it as it tired and then Roscoe nailed it and brought it to hand completing my brace for my first experience.


Shortly after that a mallard came over high and fast, passing Ben and I and also passing Mark but it was turned by the call and came back straight over Mark who downed it nicely with the second shot and it landed in the field behind and was promptly picked by the dog.


So 4 mallard in total and a really lovely morning. A privilege to be out on the marsh at silly o'clock and to see nature waking up when everyone else is in bed.


I will definitely be going wildfowling again! A massive thanks to Ben for helping me get these two ducks and my first flight.


Some pics from this morning off my phone so not great but give an idea of the stunning scenery.











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Its like Marmite, you either love it or hate it, pleased you had a good flight. Be prepared for the flights where you dont see a thing for weeks.


To be fair i did warn them that the tides were poor, weather not ideal and with it also being near the death of the season birds are harder to come by let alone get a shot at! I was as chuffed as anything to be able to put them under birds, and get them some shooting. They approached it with the ideal attitude, not expecting anything but hoping to at least see birds.

I always find that the people most likely to "get" wildfowling are also anglers, all 3 of the guests today love there fishing too, hopefully they will get the wildfowling bug to compliment it.

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As the third member of the Brummie boys who travelled down I should just add that it was a great first experience of being out at the break of dawn. Without having a gun with me I was able to really relax and soak in the atmosphere and the trip home up the M5 was full of plans for next season when,hopefully, we apply for associate membership.



Oscar and HB were well chuffed with their shooting and perhaps a little envious that I've got a chance on Tuesday for a return....(taking a gun this time though lads!)


Thanks to Ben for setting the trip up.....a really enjoyable morning.....cheers



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As the third member of the Brummie boys who travelled down I should just add that it was a great first experience of being out at the break of dawn. Without having a gun with me I was able to really relax and soak in the atmosphere and the trip home up the M5 was full of plans for next season when,hopefully, we apply for associate membership.



Oscar and HB were well chuffed with their shooting and perhaps a little envious that I've got a chance on Tuesday for a return....(taking a gun this time though lads!)


Thanks to Ben for setting the trip up.....a really enjoyable morning.....cheers


Just to point out, how relax Passionforangling was, he wake him self up with his snorring.....lmao.....never seen anyone falling asleep in a creek sitting in mud...LOL

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