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.223 or .243 fox and v occasional muntie!


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Only have hmr on ticket at the minute but now have a few foxs to get rid of and he says the occasional muntjac on the farm. Suggestions on sensible rifle and calibre? Was thinking .243 to be on the more sensible side for muntjac, but is .223 ok for them? Ammo cost isn't an issue due to amount that will be used, are .223s a lot cheaper to buy than .243? I'd be looking at complete set up prob 2nd hand but nearly new. Any recommendations??

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for what you are saying, i would oppt for a .223 rem it will be legal for both and a great fox calibre it is to. If you dont want to spend to much have a look at the CZ bruno range, great value for money. If you want to spend a few quid look at the Tikka T3. But remember if you are gonna move on to shoot roe or Fallow 243win would be better and load down to 75 grain rounds for foxes it will be just fine.

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.243 atleast if you ever fancy a go at roe,fallow youll have the kit already,youll be supprised how tough little muntys are not saying a 223 struggles to drop them i just like to have a do everything rifle would be very frustrating being out and only be able to take muntys when for a sake of a slightly bigger caliber you could stalk all legally

get a old parker hale or something theres some crackers out there witch have had little use or have a look at howa they do a very good combo

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Things all ways change and opportunities open up, I use a .243 with 75gn rounds and never thought I would have shot so many foxes as I have in the last 18months.

I could have shot them with a .223 but I chose a .243 because there are few Reds, Fallow and Muntjac around.

There are plenty of little used second hand rifles for sale, but mainly with a lower end scope on them. All the rifles out there will kill what you want, shooting foxes is additive!! There are far more out there than you think and they can be a challenge when you miss a couple!!

With a .243 and a good quality scope you can cope with anything in the future as things change…they all ways do.




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