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Guns at work

Asa Bear

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I work in a police station with a secure gun safe blah blah. Would I take any of my guns to work? No. I will not leave any of my guns unattended for any length of time in any place other than my gun cabinet.


Your weapons may be stored securely, but i saw where they stored my weapons when they were taken away to the police station,it was just an office,there were a couple in a cabinet the rest were just stacked around the walls,it really surprised me.

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If it was a squash racquet or cricket bat would them same apply? The SC invidious lay has an innate fear of firearms ( why?) strange for someone in that line of work to not be able to properly assess risk ??? I would speak to union, also BASC/CPSA.


It doesn't sound like there is any legitimate concern. Worth speaking to FEO/FLO about recognised procedures. There are far more dangerous things in a fire station than a stock from a shotgun! Hopefully someone at HQ is pro shooting!

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I would be amazed if any Employer would sanction a gun being taken into a workplace , unless it was needed for the job in hand.

There must be enough H&S, risk assessment, security, etc., issues involved to fill a few filing cabinets.


my employer lets me take guns to work

well i do work on a farm lol



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If it was a squash racquet or cricket bat would them same apply? The SC invidious lay has an innate fear of firearms ( why?) strange for someone in that line of work to not be able to properly assess risk ??? I would speak to union, also BASC/CPSA.


It doesn't sound like there is any legitimate concern. Worth speaking to FEO/FLO about recognised procedures. There are far more dangerous things in a fire station than a stock from a shotgun! Hopefully someone at HQ is pro shooting!

good point there
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But it's not? And the laws and risks aren't the same.


Please tell me how the risks differ...........


Also the law on shotgun parts i.e. a forend/stock with action and barrels are not restricted (as discussed many many times on this very forum. Any object can be used as a weapon and in doing so a crime is comitted. Otherwise its just an inert object.......



Guns and particularly gun components do NOT spontaneously go bang and shoot things! We arent talking about leaving loaded guns lying around an office here.

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I can leave a squash racket on my front door step, no problem.


I can't leave a set of barrels on the front doorstep without a problem.


Rules, risks and perceptions are different and as SGC holder we need to recognise that and make allowances. Hence suggestions about trigger locks, fastening guns to bath tubs etc.

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I can leave a squash racket on my front door step, no problem.


I can't leave a set of barrels on the front doorstep without a problem.


Rules, risks and perceptions are different and as SGC holder we need to recognise that and make allowances. Hence suggestions about trigger locks, fastening guns to bath tubs etc.


buts that only really when its made up...not in 3 bits

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What happens about security whilst you out on the run ?


For years, our local station would turn out when the bells went off and the place would be empty, doors open.

Then, sadly one year there was incidents at a few stations where thefts occurred from fire stations when they were out on a shout.

so they get half of a shotgun what can they do with that that they cannot do with a bit of steel water pipe to get the whole gun first they have got to find his van them brake open the gun safe in it then go in to the station and brake in to up to 60 lockers to get the other half.

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I can leave a squash racket on my front door step, no problem.


I can't leave a set of barrels on the front doorstep without a problem.

Not really both are at same risk of theft and misuse, it's only the fact that you have an SGC that means you are more bothered about potential consequences of leaving the barrels on your door step.....


If you left your racquet and it got stolen you probably wouldn't inform the police if you left your barrels the police would probably ask questions come renewal time. However how is a set of barrels different to the racquet? Both can be used as a lethal weapon ( club) but neither will spontaneously injure anyone except perhaps as a trip hazard. With " reasonable precautions" taken I don't see the issue.

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I'd also just like to clarify that all gaffers are muppets to us minions. ;)


Thats cause you minions dont know any better :good:


There are plenty of sensible suggestions on here and I personally think the SC is being a little unreasonable, however he will most likely get the backing of senior management thus if you challenge it through official channels you will most likely lose. For that reason I still suggest you lock your gun in your vehicle and take the stock into your locker in your bag and tell NO ONE. No one knows so no one will be any the wiser, if he asks you directly "have you brought your gun into the fire station?" you can honestly answer "no I have not" ;)

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I have an air pistol in my desk drawer. I shoot tin cans when I am bored (and intimidate grads).


I also have a working scale model of a Trebuchet that use to fire projectiles across the floor.


We are fairly laid back about these sorts of things in India. :) I wouldn't do it in London.


Good to see the last bastions of colonialism and the empire are still in place and working :yes:

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Why don't you speak to your SC and ask if you can bolt a gun cabinet in your No1 store, he may be ok with that.


Reading between the lines I'm not sure it is the security issue of having a firearm on the premises that worries the SC, more having an armed individual on site who could, if rubbed up the wrong way by management or colleagues, throw a cog and go on the rampage!


Sadly, that is the mentality of the majority of the non shooting public in the UK..... man with access to gun = potential (and, given enough time, probable) threat!


In fairness.... even as a shooter, I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a shottie or rifle into the office, nor would I be happy about an employee having one on the premises too... I just don't think it's 'the done thing!'

Edited by Vipa
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Leading firemen were changed to crew managers and are now called crew commanders. RTAs are now RTCs because a collision is somebody's fault whereas an accident... It's those lawyers again.


Ahaaa... thanks for that.... bleedin political correctness again!

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If I was smurf mate I'd be treated with kid gloves and be able to do just as I pleased.


Not wrong there fella, they have many t-shirts after all,Quite a few of them are Walter mittys where I work as well. But yeah I think it's against council policy not to have firearms including air weapons on council property here. But if its in a secure locker in van, park the van in the street right outside station, that'll annoy an adult no end

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