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10 years on Pigeon Watch


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According to the records its 10 years since I joined Pigeon Watch.


I can however remember a time before this when two lads posted on the then very slow dial up internet.

They posted pictures of their guns and asked other shooters to do the same. At the time I couldn't participate due to the lack of a digital camera. I then went off line for a while; on my return I found a new website called Pigeon Watch. It had a green background and basically focused on hints and tips for pigeon shooters. I can recall making post numbers 13 & 14, one was about utilising a knitting counter to keep a track of shot pigeon, the other suggested taking a bag of straw to the hide to prevent a puddle of mud in the hide when the ground was wet or frosty. An early version of the current forum soon followed, but due to some difficulties some members joining dates were reset.


A lot has happened in the past 10 years, the forum has changed beyond recognition, now a professional approach and sponsored by advertising. I can remember when I and others threw a few bob into the pot to keep the doors open. From little acorns mighty oaks do grow, PW is clear evidence that this is so.


A forum is nothing without its members, I've seen all sorts come and go over the years, sadly some have been banned for reasons decided by the moderating team, and a few have passed away. Some I miss, others not so.

I've been pleased to meet a number of members off PW and benefited from their knowledge and generosity, shared some cracking shooting, borrowed kit, bought and sold, laughed and cried. PW holds some sort off addiction over me, I visit the site several times most days, although I don't post as often as I once did.


Almost 5 years ago I was seriously injured in an explosion, PW members were quick off the mark with support, and one of the longest threads ever to run on PW followed, as did various gifts sent at some expense from members that I'd never met. I'm still recovering, but will never forget how PW and its members helped me through a horrendous experience. I won't attempt to acknowledge them individually, I would hate to miss someone out, but you know who you are.


I'd like to think that I've done my bit to promote and support PW and shooting along the way. I've been pleased to be able to help many members obtain some shooting, get a job done or save some brass.


PW is an exceptional forum, its what its founder and members made it. A massive thanks to Teal for having the knowledge and inspiration to create PW, and thanks to the members for supporting me in my various ventures along the way.


Here's to another 10 years.



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congratulations buddy, a long time,but shows you how good the site is because your still here lol, can i ask what is your most memorable moment or funniest on PW


cheers Evo


The most memorable has to be the explosion; PW members and lads off the shoot pulled me through a very difficult patch.


Its difficult with the funniest as there have been a few, but probably the best was a post that I did about McF trying to put a pigeon magnet into the top of a tree, best climbing wellies n all.



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Cracking post, roll on the next ten lol.


I find my self mildly addicted to the forum also. The invention of smart phones means I'm never very far away from a quick squint.






Excellent post. Here's to the next ten years. I've been on a couple of year's now and it only seems like five minutes! Long live PW!!

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Yikes, Happy 10 years !

I remember you first posting about that explosion and remember thinking how lucky you are to be alive! I am 5 years 1 month into my membership on here and have found everyone very helpfull too, but reading your post webber still made me smile and I think you hit the nail on the head, good and bad has come and gone and the site has acheived loads and it / we should all be very proud of the site and never take it for granted!


I will definately raise a pint to your 10years this evening and look forward to the next 10 years reading your posts etc! :D





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