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Best factory ammo for .223

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Hi all what do you find is the best factory ammo in .223 for a barrel with a 1 in 12 twist rate? Such as grouping (obv that's down to shooter ) for foxs + crows out to 200yds.

Privi partizan is only £55 for 100 rounds so do get 100 of them or just zero it with the pp and the move onto the more expensive stuff? I knw each factory round may have a different poi etc but just get it close to zero then move over?

Hornady 53g supervarmint have some good reviews

What you guys think?

Cheers all

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55grn normas worked well in mine as did winchester silver tips, with a new rifle though its worth getting the privi if you can as its cheap for getting used to it and if it likes it then its a bargain otherwise you are looking at twice the cost. Thats fine if its just foxes but throwing them at crows and rabbits gets expensive

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My T3 .223 is 1-12.


I use almost exclusively PRVI 55g SP.


I would not be looking to shoot the heads off crows at 200 yards with it, but I would be very confident in stopping them!


So that works for me...... as always it has to be said, just because they work in my barrel doesn't mean they will in yours!



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This post like asking what .223 rifle should I buy. Every one has a different opinion. Also even to rifles the same may not shoot the same ammo.

It may be a case of, go buy 4/5 different sorts to try. Then what bullet weight are you going to use is it for foxing, hares or targets.


I have an old steyr in 243 it will only shoot home loads never found a factory load to suit.


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