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Update..wierd crimps with the Mec..20g

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An update on the wierd crimps with the mec jnr.

In the previous post I was having trouble crimping the reloaded 20g shells. They were coming out with dips round the edge.

Pic here:



So I examined the crmping mechanism thoroughly and after a lot of head scratching, found the problem. Inside the pre crimp, there were castings that are obviously meant to be there, at 120 deg intervals, obviously 3 of them. I assume it was to hold the shell in place or guide the spindex pre crimper to the right spot. In practise all they did was to make a dent in the shell past the point of rollover and stop the function of the rotating spindex, hence the rim buckling down. Pic here of the inside of the pre crimp showing one of 3 bars.




Ok so out with the dremmel and a modelling knife, and the bars were removed so all the bars inside the pre crimp are the same. This is how they are turning out now.







Edited by turbo33
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Well done. Been a good few years since I was into reloading, with a Bowman and Lee Loadall.


I couldn't understand what had gone wrong. it must be quite satisfying to sort out the problem - then produce excellent crimp finishes.


Yes its good to find the problem, although I wouldn't expect a machine of this standard and cost to require "finishing" and fettling by the customer :lol: I have dropped Mec an email about it, but won't hold my breath for a response :rolleyes: It is indeed satisfying though, to do the whole process, make the shot, load the shells and then drop a couple of pigeons for the dogs supper :good::good:

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