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Shooting law, requirements for a clay trap.


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The sensible thing to do is to contact the Planning Department, at your local Council and ask them.

The bye-laws vary so much between Authorities, its dificult to give a generalised answer.


Where I live now, I can,t have a bonfire.

Where I am moving to, this week, I can have a bonfire when and where I want to.

I do love a good bonfire. :beer:

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alot of shoots locally only shoot once a fortnight,some allso have other restrictions eg having to start and finish by certin times.Just one thought,would plannng permision apply if for example i used a trap informally for a bit of practice?ie would i be restricted to once a fortnight aswell?

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You should be aware that all equipment must be removed at the end of the shoot - i.e. if you plan to set up a scaffold tower for some high birds, if you leave it standing between shoots you are contravening the Planning laws.


Yet again, common sense should prevail, and having run a clay shoot for over 10 years on a weekly basis without Planning consent, I can offer the following tips:


* Be aware of who is likely to be affected by noise, as that is your main source of problems. If possible, speak to them beforehand and invite them along to "have a go".


* Don't shoot across Public footpaths or bridleways, and allow a 350 yard fallout zone (minimum) for the shot - on a windy day it may travel further...!!!


* Clear up all litter after the shoot, and check with the landowner that the use of Plaswads is OK. Also do not use orange or coloured clays when shooting over thick crops such as rape in summertime as the clay fragments will contaminate the crop.


* On windy days, try and avoid shooting downwind towards occupied dwellings - the increased noise levels will not endear you to the residents - no matter how "friendly" they may be.


I hope that these tips are helpful...!!!

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alot of shoots locally only shoot once a fortnight

From a planning point of view, you can do almost anything on a particular piece of land for 28 days a year, apart from siting caravans. You can have as many tents as you like, but only 3 caravans and then the field has to be over 5 acres. Less that 5 acres, only 1 caravan.

What is a piece of land? Any readily definable field or Ordnance Survey numbered plot.

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