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First days crabbing

Brown Sauce

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Met up with my new friend Michael, (TB you knows it, sorry in joke) for a spot of crabbing as the tide was only 0.6m.


Never done it before, so up for a laugh, contemplated wearing my chest waders, but got laughed at of being a big baby and ended up in shorts. Merciful lord, it was ******* chilli, but after a few mins of submersion numbness set in and on we plodded.


Not the biggest haul, but 4 isn'y that bad for a first time, all over 10cm shell, but still edible.




Oh and in the pursuit of happiness, the seaweed got the upper hand and I'm sporting a lovely barnacle rash on my right forearm, :cry1:

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Met up with my new friend Michael, (TB you knows it, sorry in joke) for a spot of crabbing as the tide was only 0.6m.


Never done it before, so up for a laugh, contemplated wearing my chest waders, but got laughed at of being a big baby and ended up in shorts. Merciful lord, it was ******* chilli, but after a few mins of submersion numbness set in and on we plodded.


Not the biggest haul, but 4 isn'y that bad for a first time, all over 10cm shell, but still edible.




Oh and in the pursuit of happiness, the seaweed got the upper hand and I'm sporting a lovely barnacle rash on my right forearm, :cry1:


just thought i would let you know,


CRABS - MINIMUM SIZE confirmed 4/12/97

No person shall take or otherwise remove from any part of a fishery within the South Wales Sea Fisheries Committee District any crab of the species Cancer pagurus, which measures less than 140 mm across the broadest part of the back.


Crabs of below this size shall be returned immediately to the sea at a position as nearby as is possible from where they were taken.




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No oops about it dear boys, change of size is to 130mm, but we took precautions and measured well over.


Edible Crab

38. Edible crab landing sizes were introduced at EC level for the first time on 1 January 2000. The sizes are:

• 140mm north of 56°N both to West of Scotland and in the North Sea;

• 130 mm in the remainder of the North Sea except the Eastern Sea Fisheries District;

• 115 mm in the Eastern Sea Fisheries District;

• 140mm in the Channel and around the Southwest Peninsula i.e. areas VIId, e and f;

• 130mm elsewhere.

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