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Winchester .22 Subs

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Just thought I would ask if anyone has been having any problems with the Winchester .22 subsonic amo. I'm only asking due to this mornings experiences.


Went out early doors to sort a fields out but had nothing but problems with my amo. Out of the first 10 shots 9 dropped short on 50 - 70 yard shots and by a good 10 - 15 yrds each. I'm using a Ruger 77/22 with hawk sights. I've been using this amo all week and have had a few do this and a few hitting the rabbit ( head shots and shoulder shots ) but not penetrating from 40 yrds or so.


I've spoken to my supplier and he said he's had no other reports. Any suggestions as today I could have had 23 bunnies if this had not been occurring



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Had the same, always used the wichester subs never a problem, untill the last 500 i got, they are all over the place i cant get a decent group so i got a box thats been in my safe for 6 months and they are bang on at 50 yards tried 50 from the new batch and what a load of ****, both are winchester x subsonics ones in a dark box ones in a light blue box, light blue are good.

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the ones in the dark box are the ones I'm using now or should I say was using, I've never had a problem before this with Winchester, I'm out tomoz morning and giving the Lupua a go I just hope they don't give me any problems having been sent a picture of the barley field by the farmer showing around 50 or so sitting out today so I want a good :shoot: and a good bag for him.

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Black box are hv lazers

blue box are new subs

white box are old subs

i had issues with newbie box subs through a semi auto with cycling issues the rifle used to cycle faultlessly with old white box subs.

My red told me the olin factory which makes the ammo in Australia moved location and at the same time changed to blue box? Don't know if this is correct?

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