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A right Charlie Dilemma


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My lamping partner Decoy 1979 was on a well earnd holiday so I went out solo Friday to an area free from cattle its a marsh of around 30 Acres with other marshes around and the river is a boundary to the east about 500 yards away. I sat out in a convenient place with Binos and NV perched on my Tractor platform and it just felt like i would see something. Sounds strange but other Foxing lads will know what I mean.


About 9pm at my 2 o clock I see cubs coming out to play from under a mass of gorse I shot a big dog there last year. Its 175 yards with the range finder I move to 8Xmag and wait for the Vixen the plan being to take her out then the cubs so they dont bolt the area. I move to NV around 10pm and shortly after a slightly larger Fox comes in the cubs start baying for food.... arrr the Vixen... bang she is over cubs scatter into the earth as expected.


A while later a cub creeps out to inspect the situation, bang its over. Around 11pm i hear a vixen calling like crazy to my 8 0 clock ummm thats strange. I swing the 243 round fire up the IR laser and pic out what I used think was a Black dog I have been chasing for around four years. I have seen this Fox a number of times but never fired a shot at it. Its quite large with very dark markings making it appear black, completely lamp shy under red or white and a smart as they come to the point if it turns away to bolt it will never look back it just keeps going.


I see a cub duck under a wire a fence to join her and i am thinking how did you get round me??? She is going frantic screeching her mate and brood keeping around 300 yards away and never stopping still. I am the wrong side of a slight breeze to her that served me with earth and now gives me away. Longer story short this carried on for a while so i gave up at 1am and go out to see what we have.... a very small adult dog with a nasty exit from the 58 grain V-Max and a dog cub! That explains a lot. I went for a look sat and i found two active earths within 200 yards and the penny drops that the cub i saw running had come from the other earth proving they split a large brood. I found all manner of kills inc 2 untouched moles which is a new one for me. I went back last night and as expected they have moved home. Now the job of locating starts again.


$1000000 question.... how far have the gone?


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Within a mile would be my bet ! Strange about the mole situ,almost every litter I`ve ever dealt with(a lot) have had a mole or two about,think they just use them as playthings as I`ve never seen one eaten.

I think your right about the moles both untouched and fairly recent

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In my experience If they are flegged like that they will not have moved too far often worth checking the nearest woods, gorse patches, glens you get the idea if you are on wetland are there curlews kicking about. They're pretty good at spotting foxes. Maybe an all nighter just waiting for them to tell you where the fox is might be worth a shot

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we found them fairly quickly Friday, she had moved back to where I believe she was laying up a large wood about 1/2 mile away....


Vixen left about 9pm and at 11pm had not been back when 4 sets of eyes show up in the NV IR along the side of the wood..... another hour watching and one is not quite as it seems and is in fact a small adult baby sitter...


I decide that as I have never had a shot at the Vixen in around four years I must take out what I can and wait for the adult to get within range. It took a while but with the cubs at around 120 yards the adult was another 50 or so back when I took her out. Cubs scatter and one stops close to the adult and got the 2nd shot. Waited a while then went out and picked a small adult vixen and a vixen cub. It wont be long before the 2 cubs left are out alone so I should catch up with them soon...... the black Vixen is another matter for me to ponder and a feeding area may be the answer...


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