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New car!!


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After my veteran VW Polo (older than a lot of people at my compnay) died a death last week, I've managed to sort out a new car! It's a SWB Vauxhall Frontera and, as it was a company car and has high mileage, it was cheap.


Downside include: No back seats at all, blocked off rear windows (done out like a van you see), oil in the iterior.


Upsides include: Cheap, still relatively new


Anyway, all I have to do is get the train to East Grinstead tomorrow to pick it up and I'm sorted. Can't wait to get it back to suffolk at the weekend. With any luck I'll be able to head off to the beach on Saturday night and get some codding in with it.



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ya know, im so tempted not to post my reaction to axe's comment of 'mint green'.




because i sat there confuddled for a split second thinking............ but polo mints are white?







o dear. :good::lol:


- sigh-


OOH my god, your so right :lol:

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Darebear, it's silver. I'm going to be fitting an inverter in the cab and some inspection lights on the back pretty much as soon as I get it/her. I need the light for covert winching at night and it will also come in handy for trips up the coast.


As for a name.... I said that the GF could have that honour!


I know they have a bit of a rep, but it's cheap and very new (compared to all my other cars) and even if it lasts only a couple of years, it's a cheap car. If it lasts longer, it will just get better. Hell, if it lasts a year it will still be better value than my Omega, possibly the Rover too.


Anyway, I have to get off now to go fetch it/her!



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As it's fitted out LIKE a van i would leave it just as it is :stupid:


If you get a chance of Deer shooting or a good days Pigeon shooting you have BAGS of room in back to just toss your gear AND quarry straight in back and head home :lol:


Frontera's are like a few other cars SOME have problems and SOME you get lucky with.


It was mainly drive train and engine trouble people had with them. Could also stem from lack of maintanence so just keep on top of it with regular checks and oil changes etc and it SHOULD fair ok



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