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My Charlieing has gone mad


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I had a phone call whilst on the way home from Exmouth yesterday, I'd been down to see a couple of chaps from here (Wymberley and Jasper 3 ) Twas a pleasant morning thanks lads!


It was from a Farmer friend of mine who has about 2000 head about and farms as many acres, he told me that he had put a dead calf out for the Kennelman, but he hadn't picked it up. By the next morning at least half had gone. He wondered what would eat that amount overnight? He started getting carried away with his big cat theories, so I said I'd have a look.


Now everyone knows that if you have livestock you also have dead stock and there was another calf there by the time I went down. They were right outside and to the side of the calf shed and Hay barn. As they had been feeding there already I didn't want to move them. So I just parked the Disco up amongst the other machines lowered the passenger window and waited, After about an hour I was getting careless and realised that something was tugging at one of the calves legs. As I moved to bring the gun up my leather seats creaked, and it legged it.


Not being frightened it was soon back 20 mins/ish no mistake this time, one less Charlie! My mate was pleased, but said he thought there may be more than one, I agreed because of the amout they were eating. Anyway went back again tonight and within an hour and a half, had a really god conditioned Vixen and Dog Maybe I'll see some well grown cubs in a day or two. Three in two nights and another five in the last two weeks. These three were taken with a tracer on an o/u four were taken with my .222 and one cub was head shot with my .22r/f (close range) before anyone gets on there high horse.


Anyway for me thats by far better than normal So i'm well chuffed

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nice one, I've got one at the moment trying for my mums chickens, walks along the road in front of the house at 6pm down the drive to get to them.... fortunately its a private road/farm track but I think its going to end up being shot walking down it at this rate as no where else is safe and it won't seem to bait into an area thats safe.

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