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Big thumbs up to Leicestershire police


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Hello everyone.


First post here. I have always been interested in shooting since a kid, but never considered getting a shotgun certificate because I thought it would be a difficult, laborious process.

Well when I finally looked into it properly, it seemed pretty easy, and I had nothing to loose (Well, except the £50!).


I had plenty of research on applying for a SGC, the best way to do it, things to say and not say during the visit.. etc. I had also read many, many stories of them taking months to arrive.

So that is what I was expecting. I sent off my SGC application last week on Monday morning. To my surprise, 6:30pm Tuesday evening a call from my local FEO asking if he could pop round for a chat ! he turned up shortly after, genuinely great friendly broke who clearly liked his job and enjoyed the shooting scene.

He said he would be returning to the office on Friday to hand in the forms he had filled out so they could proceed with my application.


Well, to my utter disbelief, I got home yesterday and it had already arrived through the post ! :good: Considering they would have only received my application on the Tuesday prior, thats a 6 day turnaround time. 2 of those days were a weekend.. and when you consider my FEO said the form would only be returned to the office on Friday, that makes it even more impressive.


I couldn't be more impressed with their service. Top stuff.



The only downside to all of this is, I was going to use those few months expected wait to save up for my first shotgun. So now I have a SGC with no money to buy the shotgun :lol:


Anyway, sorry to rant on. Looks like an excellent hobby and I can't wait to get started. I've been searching for a hobby to enjoy for years, but I think this may be the hobby for me.

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they have been that on the ball for months now,sadly you have only just contracted an illness that spreads very fast and becomes all consuming :lol: you can get a cheapy for a couple of hundered to get you going.at least you will be sorted by harvest time when the best of the shooting is on.

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6 days! Mine took 6 months before they even rang me to arrange an interview! I am Nottingham though...

It hurts me, I moved from Leices to notts, it took six months to get the addresses changed on my certs.


When they did come back my fac had noob conditions on it, fair play though they fixed that very quickly.

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i was chuffed too.leicestershire police only took 6 weeks over chrimbo to do mine .get on to wabbitbosher .i got a gunmark sbs and a 16g italien off him for 40 and 30 quid .you can do wonders with a cheapo my first rizzini e was 200 quid and did all i needed n more .get started n save for a shiny at your leisure .welcome to p.w. :good:

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You can get a cheap shotgun for £50 thats what I'm using now to decoy, as you can tell its a bit quiet. But as long as the gun fits price is secondary.

£3000 of gun is useless if you can't hit anything.

pop down your local shop and ask him what cheap and cheerful bargains he has, , remember stocks can be stripped and oiled so don't be put off by some varnish flaking off.

and good luck in your new hobby.

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