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Choosing first gun! Help!


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The only advice I would offer is


1 Try as many guns as you can before you buy,

2. Use the time wisely before your certificate arrives to look at as many guns as you can and get an idea on price , this will stop you rushing out and panic buying when it does arrive.

3 Set a budget and keep to it

4 Do not buy a gun on your own, go with someone that knows a bit about guns, if you have paid for lessons ask your Coach to go with you.

5 Do not buy on, the Lovely wood, the great engraving or the designer name, buy the gun that's fits you.

Very good advice

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  • 4 months later...

sorry to resurrect but the time has come! SGCs, safe etc all in place and ready! Had a look in Andersons in East Grinstead and the fella in there seemed helpful. Picked out all the guns in my price range, and I found one that I liked a lot! Lanber Sporting Delux, multi choke which is helpful, steel proofed too, had all the bits I was looking for and felt noticeably more comfortable than the winchester and the franchi etc which I also tried. However, it's more than the budget at £675. I can afford it though, but he also said that the next tier up would be a second hand beretta or browning around the £800-1000 mark. So...would it be best to get this lanber (or something else around the same price that fits) or save up a little more and get a S/H beretta?


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Secondhand lanber sporting circa £500 have a look on guntrader ....... £700 beretta are possible





How it feels in the shop and actually shooting are quite different I loved the cynergy in the shop, hated it on the range....

Edited by HDAV
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The 1 thing i would say is unlike with a rifle/scope comb where the more money u pay generally the more accurate the rifle is,

With a shotgun as long as it fits u well doesn't make u shoot any better, a £50 bakail could out perform a £1k bretta really doesn't make a lot off difference.


If u like the gun and it is a reasonable make that has spares and back up go for it. U will pick up guns cheaper esp as a first gun incase u want to get a 2nd more specialised gun years down the line when u have a better idea wot u want.

But i would say stick to O/U esp if u may ever get the chance to go to a game shoot in the future


Trying to think of wot u should do to test the gun before buying? I have only owned SxS but this is wot i do if looking for a new 2nd hand one (just bought my most expensive shotgun in 25 odd yrs a few months ago 350 quid) These are wot i enerally o on the rare occasion i by a new shotgun dunno if all/any are as relevant with an O/U as have very little exp with them


Take forend off, barrels, barrels should be tight to action with no play.

Take barrels off and hang barrels on a finger by the lumps and ping up and downthe barrels with ur finger (like ur pinging someones lugs), it should sound the same all the way, meant to show if a loose rib but might not be so relevant with a O/U and where rib is

Look along inside/outside off barrels for any pitting/blemishes or dents or slight swelling

Check stock grain for any cracks or splits, bashes or dents won't make much difference, apart from looks but signs of not being looked after

If u cant test on a clay range can test ejectors with snap caps in shop

Look down the action and see ifu can see the ends off the firing pins see if they look ok, ie not chipped


Sure other folk might have others have missed

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The Lanber is a great gun (yes, I have one :)) but they generally have a rather heavy trigger - mine you could hang the gun from the trigger and it wouldn't fire when new and this was making me miss more clays than I was hitting, after having it adjusted it is now spot on.


Would I buy another knowing this - yes :good: can't beat a new gun with warranty but above all make sure it fits you correctly

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I would definably go for new at that sort of price most come with three year or more warranty, but remember its the shop you have to deal with not the gun maker, so buy from one that is helpful and knowledgeable


Regarding Vermin remember there are rules about where you shoot, distance from road etc and need of permissions


As a new comer don't bother changing chokes just get about half and half or Skeet and Skeet and leave them the same for first two years and try and use same ammo, then any misses are down to you not the gun or ammo, the more constant you keep things the more you will learn about that gun. Half and Half will easily do for any sporting or Skeet range your likely to shoot at

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right, took a trip to chris potters today and found a gun that fits like a glove. It feels perfect weight wise, fits my shape very well, better, it turns out than the lanber (he had a lanber sporting delux exactly the same sizes for me to try too). It's a beretta 686 onyx, hardly used for £995. I know it's slightly out of budget but I managed to acquire enough for it and whilst they also had a browning for the same price which imo looked much nicer, it just felt wrong. so picking it up next saturday!

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