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Reloading different cases

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Is there a difference in terms of accuracy between different cases. E.g. if I were to reload say a winchester, a norma and a remington case, if everything else was the same would they still shoot the same.

Also what are the best cases for longevity? Are Priv cases any good?


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I could not get on with reloading PPU brass in either my .223 or my hornet, so far winchester has been very good to me. Some people get on fine with PPU brass, just have to try it and see what works best for you. I wouldn't expect an accurate load to be accurate in different types of brass if you know what I mean but you never know till you try it.

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Norma will be a far better case and should give you better consistant accuracy. I use winchester and federal in 243 and both give excellent accuracy with my loads though I use the same type cases for each bullet weight, eg winchester for 100gr and Federal for 85gr.

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wall thickness differ on cases sako notiebly heaver case than Winchester so powder distributed tighter and higher resulting in different burn rate /pressure I was told.not sure on how accurate this was

Can't see how a very slight reduction in internal case volume will change the powders burn rate but i can sort of see the thinking behind it. Most hunting load data are not for compressed loads so don't think it will make a differance in pressure,not noticable anyhow. We could be super critical and worry about neck tension on a thicker case in comparison to a thinner one, but on a hunting load thrown together in a shed it will not make a noticable differance. If its a worry just work up a load and stick to those cases for that recipe.
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it does matter mixing cases is wrong. i tested a .223 for someone who was struggling to get it to group it was found to be his reloads he had 3 different makes of cases....all loaded up the same but just wouldnt group some were higher than other due to pressures.

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I am currently reloading PPU cases in .308 and .303 and I find them very good. Over the years I have loaded all sorts of cases and I have never really found a lot of difference with any of them to be honest. Its best not to mix them up as others have said.


Some people have a real fixation with certain brands of case both for and against. I haven't, its just a container to hold the powder with a bullet at one end and the primer at the other. Out of all the components the case does the least, the bullet does the flying so you want it to be good, the powder does the burning so you want it to be consistent. The primer lights the whole thing up so you want it to do a good job, but the case just sits there.


Don't worry about it is my advice, by the time you get that good that the case might start making a difference you will have formed your own opinion.

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Depends on why you reload: if it's about consistency ... different cases add another variable and may mean differing capacities which affect pressure and velocities.

Controlable ? - Yes ... A big issue? - you decide

I think there was a write up in the free online Target Shooter ezine last year?

Or some reasonable info here. .. riflemansjournal.blogspot.com/2011/01/cartridges-1000-yard-308-case-capacity.html?m=1

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