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Visible shot ?

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Been talking to a chap who says you can buy shotgun cartridges,that when fired you can see the shot or somthing else?

They help you see where your shot is going,if you keep missing.

Anyone heard of these?

£16 for 10 Yikes !

Edited by mickyh
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Winchester has just come out with a new cartridge/wad which is a tracer. A small portion of the shot stays with the wad. It also has helical flues on the side to give it a little bit of spin. The wad is supposed to stay with a shot charge for up to 40 yards and be visible the whole way (the wads are either bright orange or black, your choice depending what you're shooting against). There was a writeup in field and stream this past month I believe, so some judicious use of your favorite search engine should find it.




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