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Very expensive grass seed


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Had the vet remove this from deep in the dogs nose this afternoon. Glad to say he was home again about an hour after the really awful sneezing started so hopefully no harm done. Just glad they found it really. I know these things happen but I feel bad coz I sent him in. He's sleeping off the anaesthetic, pretty wobbly but has had a light meal so that's good. Anyone wanna guess how much this grass seed cost (the insurance company)? He's a great lil fella tho and worth every penny. He gets the rest off the weekend off now :-)


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Had a similar thing only the other day...now £405 pounds lighter. Insurance claim pending, but I'm not convinced they got it all yet.

I hope the worst is over, fingers crossed that's it's all gone

Edited by LRXS
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Time of year problem check paws daily but you can miss them We have won the battle without vets by bathing in hot as the dog can stand Comfrey leaves boiled in water and smothering in vasaline May seem basic but has saved us and the dog much anguish oh and its cheaper

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checked my dogs this week , 2 of them had seeds starting to embed .


removed them but looked a bit weepy , so hibiscrub washed them and teramycin spray 3 times to help dry them up .

ones looking ok now , other keeps licking it and making it wet :rolleyes: . wondering if wound powder might be worth a try.


is there anything foul tasting that i could put on my dogs toes to stop it liking itself, if not i suppose i,ll have to the collars out the loft from last time

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comfrey the old country name is nit bone it will heal and draw out stuck in seeds thats what I was talking about as does vasaline We try to carry some vasaline stick it on before we come home on any cuts and seeds and thorns you cant get out.

Comfrey is for home we boil it up in a pan the leaves that is and bath the paws and toes where seed is stuck in they dissapear but leave a hole that fester the comfrey draws it we have had success when you think you would not Years ago we had a cocker bitch that we missed and was well in we kept bathing it and it came out above her ankle drawn to the surface after going in between toes We would always have a good go at this before letting the dog go under the vets knife In fact we have never had the dog at the vets for this

Please I am a believer in vets I am not anti vet but do try to to get results if I can first without leaving the dog in pain of course

If not clear enough let me know

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muffin thank you -- good news the seed popped out


for 4 days i had been bathing and straping up her foot , just to stop her from licking it .

this morning while having a look i squeezed a bit harder at the bump on her toe and the head of a cm long seed popped out.

i honestly did not think the seed was in there.


glade i perserverd a bit longer with the bathing.


checking them after every walk now .

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You been on the comfrey then or just bathing it They do'nt usually heal if anything in there vasaline tends to stop ours licking and you look 24 hours later all healed over

Plesed you had success























Pleased your

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i could,nt find any comfrey , so i need a supply if you know where to get it .

i used boiled water and hibiscrub dilute to give it a few good soakings


i sprayed it with blue spray , then when dry put vasaline on , even with a sock over her foot dog could,nt help but try and lick it , so i gave her some piriton and that really seemed to help with the urge


healing nicely now , but constantly checking 6 pairs of feet twice a day

Edited by darren m
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