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Circuit judge rifle


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Hi has anybody seen tus gun? It's the rifle version of the tarus judge revolver that shoots 45 long colt and 4.10 shot gun carts.my question is if I wanted one put on my cert would it be classed as a 45 caliber rifle or long barrel revolver? And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE, its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot

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The Rossi website confirms that this is a rifled barrel gun and also meets s1 barrel and overall length requirements and is therefore subject to s1 controls. As others have said, that makes it a rifle. Someone at our club has a Uberti single action carbine in .357. No problems, it's just a rifle.


However, Rossi also make a similar gun in 28 bore which is a smooth-bore. In the UK we are only allowed muzzle-loading and 9mm rimfire smooth bore revolvers (on firearms certificate) so, unfortunately, the 28 would be a 'no-no'.



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Hi has anybody seen tus gun? It's the rifle version of the tarus judge revolver that shoots 45 long colt and 4.10 shot gun carts.my question is if I wanted one put on my cert would it be classed as a 45 caliber rifle or long barrel revolver? And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE, its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot


Never a good idea to over generalise! :no::good:

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Either I didn't make it clear or you are simply missing the point...FUN...myself, Pest controllers, Gamekeepers, Guides, Zoo workers, Vets, Hunts, etc do NOT buy guns for fun, they are tools and people use them professionally. Some DO NOT enjoy it, and the last thing they actually want to do after all else fails is shoot something, but sometimes it has to be done.


We don't buy Fun play things, we buy what we need!


Comments like.... "And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot".......... are misguided and false!


It's a big world out there........



Edited by Dekers
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Was not missing the point mate and understand people use guns for work etc but bet you wouldn't just pick up any old gun to go hunting/stalking/ working etc that didn't shot right and not fit you properly therefore affecting your chosen trade, so when you pick your TOOL to buy to do your job you don't get a smile on your face when you find that perfect fitting gun? This could be classed as enjoyment/fun as you know your hard earned cash is being spent well. Call me old fashiond but I would class a fun play thing as a vibrator for the misses not a firearm but do enjoy my chosen hobby so I must be a big kid at heart with my FUN TOYS if to be honest wouldn't have it any other way.

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It's very simple, some of us have a mind of their own, have serious work to do, and don't intend to get caught up in comments like this...............


"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot"..........


Speak for yourself, do not rope me and many others into your comments, and do not attempt to talk for me, or many others.


Do you really think when I'm called to shoot an injured deer at the roadside etc I'm thinking...Oh what fun!

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Was not missing the point mate and understand people use guns for work etc but bet you wouldn't just pick up any old gun to go hunting/stalking/ working etc that didn't shot right and not fit you properly therefore affecting your chosen trade, see below so when you pick your TOOL to buy to do your job you don't get a smile on your face when you find that perfect fitting gun? This could be classed as enjoyment/fun as you know your hard earned cash is being spent well. hard earned cash on my guns etc it tax deductable Call me old fashiond but I would class a fun play thing as a vibrator for the misses not a firearm but do enjoy my chosen hobby exactly YOUR hobby, not your job! so I must be a big kid at heart with my FUN TOYS if to be honest wouldn't have it any other way.


That response clearly shows you are missing the point and are simply focused on sport shooting.


What on earth are you talking about, of course the gun has to perform, what has that got to do with fun, do I pick the right spanner out of the tool box to do the job and beam with pleasure, this is fun?


Do you think when I stroll round a supermarket at 02.00 in the morning (after having spent an eternity writing a risk assessment and method statement) looking for a safe shot to remove a pigeon before morning store opening I'm thinking, I'm so glad I bought this gun that fits me and shoots straight, what fun I'm having? More than that, do you link I'm having fun when I have to shoot a Wagtail or Robin in a supermarket on H&S grounds, after all the above paperwork, endless efforts to remove it and Natural England involvement..... :hmm::hmm::hmm:


You seem blind to the variety of professional work and seem only to be able to focus on a stroll round the countryside hoping you can find something to shoot!


There is no question shooting can be fun, but speak for yourself, do not make blanket statements that include everyone, as you have no idea what everyone has to do!



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And because of that fact you get your authority to jump down others throats from where again.....sorry I missed it?




Have you actually read any of my responses, talk for yourself, DO NOT INCLUDE ME or many others in your comments, if I have something to say I am perfectly capable of saying it myself.


"And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot"..........


That is an ill considered and arrogant comment, what gives him the authority to speak for me?

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Hmmmmm. The arrogance is also coming from you brother.

It sounds like you need another job mate...you seem to of lost your spirit. Most on here do shoot for fun and I bets you can still just about remember it being fun too so take a chill pill and stop getting all your panties in a tangle.


I dont believe for one minute you would not enjoy a plinking session with a circuit judge. I would :-).



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