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Adding permissions


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When you obtain additional permissions, why does your fire arms dept. ask for a letter or form of confirmation so they may add it to your "file"?. I thought you only did this for an application or renewal of a section one. Example: I have recently acquired another permission on 1700 acres and had a calibre clearance check, which showed ok up to .308 calibre.

I get on well with my FEO and firearms dept. so don`t wish to upset them, but do I need to do this?


Have I missed something in the rules and regulations?


Regards J

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Thanks, the land was already cleared up to .308 I phoned my FEO and he checked their records as I was talking to him, then he asked for a copy of the signed confirmation by the land owner, to be forwarded to the firearms dept. to put on my file.



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Like what the other guys have said if the land is all ready cleared the you can crack on.But im still on a closed cert on my centrefires when i asked my firearms dept if a golf coarse had been cleared for .243 because i had been asked to control the deer ther they woudnt tell me over the phone.

Told me to email a permission form over and they would let me kwow.

Atb Lee

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In Suffolk we dont have permission forms as anyone could make it up! (at least I never used or seen one) all we do is send off a OS map of the land if it hasnt been cleared and or details of the farmer/person who gave you the permission and they do the work, my last piece was cleared in 3 working days near enough. They phoned the farmer first to confirm and then me straight after. Alan

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