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Joyous news re: Graham Brothers


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Looks like time is running out for them at last! What a spanner. Actually shopping himself to the police



anyhooo, if any of you people have had the unfortunate experience of being done by them, it looks like they want all the info available!

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Hopefully this will be the end of it.

As someone over there said 'finally someone who can walk the walk' especially after all the people who claimed they would do the same, but always seemed to live just a little too far away :rolleyes:

No we are not talking about facial modification, we are talking about legal retribution he bought about himself!

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No we are not talking about facial modification, we are talking about legal retribution he bought about himself!


As said, plenty of both was threatened on many, many occasions on various forums but to very little avail. Thank goodness he finally messed with the wrong person.

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The problem is a lot of the time it was ignored for one reason or another by the police who claimed it as a civil matter, as proved when Oly on THL took him to Small Claims Court. The police claimed it was civil, it was all down to Oly, he got his money back but even after admitting the offence under oath, David Graham was allowed to walk!


Now though through weight of numbers (8 counts at time of arrest) the police are having to do something! If everybody who was ripped off lets the police know the swine will be sweating like a pig in a heatwave! I have already put links up on several fishing forums where he was known to be active...

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