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Is this the right set up!!!


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If anyone could help me on this matter I would be very greatful.

I went Pigeon shooting today on Rape stubble, I set my hide up in thr field and set my decoy pattern. I went for the u shape as the wind was coming from behind my hide.

At the start pigeons where coming in (not all) but as time went on they where not interested. Pigeons where still flying around me but did not take interest in the pattern at all.

Why was this?


Here are some pics of my set up.




Many Thanks,







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Could be a number of things or a combination of things, or the pigeon on a just dont wanna know day.

Change the pattern around is usually number one.

Are they seeing you, movement etc.

Are the decoys shining in the sun light.

Maybe they need a little movement in the pattern.

The birds are just flying over from a good feed elsewhere.

Were there birds feeding on the field before you set up.

We have all had them days at one time or another.

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Hi Tim

I am no expert. .my only input would be the position of the car in the background,if this was left there when you were shooting then this may have spooked the pigeons.?? reflection from the sun etc...

hide looked good

lots of choice for them at present...keep at it :good:

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First, it could be any of the things mentioned in the first post.

I would reposition the car as suggested so its rather more hidden.

My first thoughts are the hide is good, provided you are well hidden in it - a net overhead would have been good as the birds would be passing over you to land. Then the thing which strikes me most is I cant see many decoys and those I can see are heads -up.

I would go for at least a dozen in such a large field and consider a lightweight rotary, a bouncer would lift the attractiveness for incoming birds. I would also make the patterns rather denser at about 20 -30 yds and be rather less concerned about creating a horseshoe.

However, that could all be useless on a given day but if it doesnt work try a new approach, no-one has all the answers !

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Watch the birds, they will tell you what's wrong.


Were they flaring away? Then it's something they don't like. Could be they are spotting you if you have no face vale on and an open top hide, fidgeting in the hide or the decoy pattern.


Were they flying around casually and even close/over the pattern and hide? Then the hide (and car which I don't think is an issue) are not the problem, they just need some encouragement to decoy (change pattern around, add movement maybe a flapper or magnet).


Always watch the birds reactions. when there isn't a lot around it's hard to judge, but if there are birds in the air you will see a pattern in behaviour which you could counteract.


Lastly, it could just be what Denny Essex has already said, it was just one of those days where they don't want to play no matter what you do. What you don't want to do is sit in the hide all day watching the world go by, don't be afraid to change things around however many times it takes, or even move position.


If your'e new to decoying, maybe offer a day to an experienced shooter to come with you to give you some pointers.


For me the hide looks great, the car isn't the issue, but that's just the beginning.....




Edited by Cosd
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Hi Guys,

Thanks very much for all the great advice!

Regarding the car that could be a good move. I was shooting on a farm which is in a Barracks so it gets patrolled with cars moving around very often.

I did not have a net above my head though.

I used 9 decoys and I spaced the first 3 out about 5 yards and the the rest 3 yards apart, I did try a floater but I am sure this made things worse.

The birds where flying around/over the hide but seem to be dropping elsewhere. The birds where feeding in the same field but not near me!


I am pretty new to all this as I am more of a Game/wildfowler so I appreciate all this great advice.


I will keep trying and await the new crops as everything is getting ploughed up as we speak!





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Good Afternoon Tim,

wouldn't presume to tell you what you are doing right or wrong (others with more experience may be able to) but if I may i'll give you an idea of what I do.

I don't put decoys as close as you have said , I normally put my nearest one about 12/15 yards away then the majority about 25 yards or so with one at 30 yards as a bit of a range marker.

I would normally put out something like 18/20 shell decoys and not in a uniform and exact spaced pattern. I don't see them in the fields in a parade ground fashion so I don't put the decoys in one.

I don't get hung up about using a U shape either , I tend to put the decoys in small groups or use two "comma" shape patterns with a gap between them for the birds to land in.

The main thing I found was to spend time making your hide and an extra 20 mins on your hide can give you a better day.

I always take something bright to put in my hide about the same height as you head will be and then walk out to the decoys to look back and see if I can see it through the hide.

Remember that the birds will be coming down from above you so make sure the front and sides of the hide are high enough to you.


I bet if you had a field and had 5 people who shoot pigeons set up a decoy pattern and hide they would all be different based on their previous experience(s).


There is no guarantee that you will or won't get the birds come in to where you want to shoot them and that's part of the "mystery"

I've had days where the birds have come in and I couldn't hit a thing and other days when you feel rough or whatever and you can't seem to miss.

If you can't take a joke, pigeon shooting is not for you so don't get wound up too much about it.


Good luck

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Hur5ty, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your hide. I wouldn't spend too much time building a hide - it isn't worth it. Maybe your pattern wasn't enticing enough. When the birds are behaving as you described, i would try to make my set up look 'busy'. By this i mean using perhaps a magnet, flapper or bouncer.

I posted a video recently of a similar situation to that you have just experienced. I used 20 shell decoys, a magnet, a flapper and a bouncer together. A few hundred birds were gathering at the other end of the rape stubble i was shooting, but i still managed to draw plenty close enough to me.

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