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new gear required???

chris crow

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I am thinking of getting all new gear. the last half dozen outings with my gear have been ****.... birds have been spooked and wont commit . I cant decide if its the hide, deeks, or whirly . I sometimes go out shootin with an old mate and we never have a problem with his set up mmmmm?

I use shell type flocked deeks & 5 full bodied flocked & whirly slow fast just no good???take it in still no birds.I think will have to go look in me old shootin diary .... back to basics


any ideas chaps?

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his deeks are 30 yrs old lol... and he has army type netting plus his rotor is home made with flocked type deeks and detachable wings ect..... but really well made. but he does have access to some good shooting which helps..... there must be at least half a dozen other lads shootin the permission.... I share

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his deeks are 30 yrs old lol... and he has army type netting plus his rotor is home made with flocked type deeks and detachable wings ect..... but really well made. but he does have access to some good shooting which helps..... there must be at least half a dozen other lads shootin the permission.... I share


I think you have pretty much answered your own question there , if the pigeon are being shot at every other day or so then they are bound to be skitish .


if a magnet goes round it will do the same job if its well made or not and there are 1000s of pigeon shot each week over flocked shells , so as I said save your cash and try to pick up more permissions.

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I agree that there's nothing wrong with the gear.
Ask your friend for a day shooting using your gear and watch what he does, ask loads of questions or invite an experienced member to join you for a day to give you some tips.

Edited by Cosd
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I agree with fenboy and Cosd.


Field craft, which seems to be an art never encountered by many modern pigeon shooters, should remedy the problem. One day just go out and watch pigeon behaviour without taking your gun. You will learn something I am sure.

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I agree with fenboy and Cosd.


Field craft, which seems to be an art never encountered by many modern pigeon shooters, should remedy the problem. One day just go out and watch pigeon behaviour without taking your gun. You will learn something I am sure.

I totally agree go and watch pigeons on your permission without shooting , spook them and watch how they return . You often see birds setting for your pattern and they veer off . If you watch a field with say thirty birds on it they will do the same , it may be a passing car ,buzzard, aircraft or a car horn that has spooked them . It all comes down to reconnaissance , you need to be where the birds want to be not where you want to shoot.

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I think this year we have all had more bad days than good, pigeon have not decoyed or fields with a hundred birds sitting when we arrive simply fly off never to return.

This has been a country wide problem, the pigeon shot figures on last year are thousands down compared to this year.

I don't think renewing your gear will change alot.

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Just shows what an impact last year's wet weather and this spring's cold have had.

I think this year we have all had more bad days than good, pigeon have not decoyed or fields with a hundred birds sitting when we arrive simply fly off never to return.

This has been a country wide problem, the pigeon shot figures on last year are thousands down compared to this year.

I don't think renewing your gear will change alot.

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Yes I think the land is shot over too often now. I had a cracking day on bean stubble a couple of years ago. I cant explain how the other shooters had missed this field? the stubble was two weeeks past harvest when I shot it.

last year these guys were nearly fighting each other threatening to do this n that!!!! all over the beans stubbles!!!

I used to be able to leave fields and let the birds build up and end up with a decent bag...no chance of that now

I dont get out as much now and I think I have got a bit lazy?complacent...... thanks for comments tho lads....yes I seem to have overlooked field craft

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