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Using mixed brass

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Hi gents

So far I've been using ppu brass and its working fine, no issues. I've also got 100 Winchester, 60 rws and 100 mixed once fired brass. If I was to use the same powder charge, same head, primer, base to ogive etc would I get the same results as with the ppu or would I be better off sticking with one brand of brass?


And if not what's a fair price for 200+ once fired brass?


Cheers Gary

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You would need to check each type of case with the load to make sure you get the same POI.

I advise working up the load, and check the H2O capacity of each case.


To be more detailed, each type of brass has different wall and neck thickness, therefore the same powder charge will give different pressure and possibly a POI shift.


If the load you are using is mid range you could be OK, but if it is hot or at the top end it could be scary.


I run Winchester, Sako, FC, Nosler, PPU, and RP, but each case is for a different load, and I worked each one up from a mid point to where it did what I wanted.




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I think that's the best bet. Any time I've tried mixed brass it's ended in tears because I just couldn't get a sensible group. Now I know more about reloading it's obvious why and I stick to one make.


Brass is one of the cheapest parts of reloading when you consider the number of times you can use it. Buying a couple of hundred isn't the end of the world. Perhaps go for cheaper stuff if like me you throw them about when lamping and can't find them - dropping Norma or Lapua brass on a regular basis can get expensive - but at least use all the same make.

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I've experimented a bit in the past but really trying gecko and federal versus lapua I just didn't get on with it. When you consider a box of lapua should be good even if you loose some for 700 or so shots its not that expensive and certainly in .243 that's a couple of years for me

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Personally I don't even mix batches of the same stuff that's had different amounts of use. With use of a load that is proven in all those cases you will be safe enough but suffer changing POI- how much depends on range, forget neck tensions for now its mostly to do with different total chamber pressure and altered pressure curve (the gun will sing different) it will be pure luck if you get away with this

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depends on mix of what

if it is a mix of lapua and norma its a different kettle of fish to a mix of PPU and hornady!!


I just bought 200 243 cases mixed, mostly win, rem, ppu for £35 posted

I sold a box of 100 prepped once fired norma cases in 243 for £45

That's just so strange

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With the brass you can develop a load rather than hope it will work for the same cost. And that brass can be used several times which seriously reduces the cost per shot.


I don't think I would ever buy 100 factory loads, apart from Prvi, whether I was harvesting the brass from it or not. If your gun decides it doesn't like it that's a big outlay. £150 down and not even having the beginnings of any load development for the gun isn't good! I suppose you could try a box first, but just 20 of them don't come in much cheaper than the 100 brass does if you buy anything decent.

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Many forget when shooting factory with quality brass the simple fact that you pay upwards of 70pence each for virgin high quality brass these days. I rate Norma very highly indeed better than I do Lapua (though Lapua is my best buy as virgin brass) and RWS is like finding hens teeth unless you buy factory rounds to harvest it.

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glad i read this post it has answered something that was bugging me

i developed a great load that was grouping very well,

but the last 2 times i checked i done some 3 hole groups and they had opened right up'

red this post and went to look at spent cases and the last load of empty cases are all mixed 2x rws 2x hornady 2x norma

will try again at the weekend and check i use the same brass



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