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PW banned where I am.


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And no doubt when paying for his internet, he agreed to the terms and conditions. One of which I can guarantee, would have mentioned this very thing.


I'm not saying everything should be blocked, far from it. But, if you click the 'agree' button to conditions, you should abide by them. It is the same in many avenues of life. If you flaunt these...what does that say about you as a person?

How do you know what were in the t&c's???


Most of them are none sense and there are moves to suggest long and complex small print are unfair contract terms, offering access to the Internet for a fee then restricting content without informing the customer of the restriction is very dodgy, As an adult accessing legal material would be reasonable, blocking it would not be ........

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Trying to complain but there's no damned info....plus the poor old nurses have enough yo do without me moaning to them.

Its an outside company and once im out of here I will be contacting them.

The patient side TV, Internet, phone service is a farce, the hospital opted to have it fitted so worth writing to the provider and the hospital management. Patient line rings a bell....

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It's all down to trust. I block my home network, and fully realise my kids could probably circumvent it (the network isn't locked down hard) - but at the end of the day, they know the rules and I trust them to follow them. Why then do I block my network? Because it's all too easy for them to accidentally stumble upon unsuitable websites. If I did lock it down hard (and I could), and they hacked it - yes, i'd be a bit peeved (possibly a touch proud too - but that's the hacker in me) - and i'd lock it down further.


With the situation in the hospital - we're talking about adults, and I would expect them to use common sense. Common sense says, don't view porn in a public place. But PW - please - you won't even see a naughty word on PW. Common sense says that PW should not be blocked.


If you don't trust your users, or want to be totalitarian ala great-firewall-of-china where all internet connections are monitored and blocked on a whim, then by all means implement something better. Security by obscurity is no security at all.


Ok. You are not getting my point. You seem to be more focused on giving the finger to 'the man' and highlighting even further your own (sometimes odd) views on life.


Above, you have explained how to bypass the security measures that have been put in place for reasons you clearly don't understand (or don't care to, just to be argumentative). These restrictions are in place to protect both end users (whether they need protecting or not) and the systems on which those end users are connected to (which most certainly do need protecting). This is the security aspect.


The other side. Many people 'accidentally' stumble upon this website. Those people now have knowledge on how to bypass webfilters (some are still at school). They have not necessarily searched for it specifically, but they have stumbled upon it (like your son might). Don't get me wrong, If they wanted to find it, yes they could but that's not what i'm saying. You have told people how to do it and in all honesty, nobody flipping asked. But well done. Have a pat on the head Mr Self Confessed 'hacker'. Morally, you are falling a bit short.


With regards to the hospital. You said we're talking about adults. Presumably then (in your superior knowledge of all things it seems), when somebody connects to the wifi in that hospital, it magically determines if it's an adult, and not a child? Maybe it's an adult only hospital (that doesn't have kids or vulnerable adults)? Or maybe they have different wifi packages, one for kids and one for adults? Maybe there should be no restrictions and we should rely on trust - but maybe your son stumbles into pornography of the worst kind ('accidentally' whilst searching for a perfectly legitimate game). You mention common-sense. The inherent problem with that, is it isn't very common (and vastly subjective). What is common sense to you, isn't to somebody else. Likewise, what you might think is inappropriate, is not what somebody else thinks. Naturally, trust cannot be how the system works in this environment (and may others). But, if you're happy for your son to be in a bay next to some old man watching donkey porn out loud, fine.

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I can think of many people who have broken rules which are unjust. Some people see them as heroes, some as villains. It really depends on how you look at it. One pertinent figure in this discussion would be Edward Snowden.


I'm not gonna bother replying anymore. Once again, you seem to be purposefully rocking the boat and poking at things to get people to rise to the bait.

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I see your point, but please see mine too. Blocking PW is not justified. The workaround I posted is by no means unique or special information - it is actually quite mainstream. Just ask anyone in China, Iran, or people in the UK who use a proxy to watch the US versions of Netflix. You make it sound like i've opened the floodgates of porn upon every child in the UK.


I'm not gonna bother replying anymore. Once again, you seem to be purposefully rocking the boat and poking at things to get people to rise to the bait.


Indeed - our opinions differ. We can leave it at that.

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How do you know what were in the t&c's???


Most of them are none sense and there are moves to suggest long and complex small print are unfair contract terms, offering access to the Internet for a fee then restricting content without informing the customer of the restriction is very dodgy, As an adult accessing legal material would be reasonable, blocking it would not be ........


I agree, completely. But, this is a public place. If you want unrestricted wifi in a public place, use your phone or get a mobile wifi point. If not, then use whatever system is provided but at least agree (and adhere to) the terms and conditions of use?!?


I don't know what was in the T&C;s - but i'm fairly sure this would have been mentioned. I'd put money on it.

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If you want unrestricted wifi in a public place, use your phone or get a mobile wifi point.


You really shouldn't propagate information like this - people might figure out how to watch donkey porn in hospitals :lol: :lol: :lol:


(sorry, I couldn't resist)

Edited by aris
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Ask them to take it off? You paid for internet access not restricted internet access. Also get on the phone to BASC, CPSA, NFU, NRA, SA, BBC, IPCC, RBS, UNILEVER, MICROSOFT, THE WOMAN ON THE CORNER. don't stop until its removed. Either that or just put up with it

Sanity prevails! I had to go through 17 posts before someone actually had the common sense to suggest doing something about it! Shooting is a perfectly legitimate activity and an internationally recognised Olympic event.

I despair at times.I really do.Gordon bloody Bennett!

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Well that wasn't quite my point.


Anyway, he hasn't found the workaround, you have told him (without him asking)...along with whoever else uses the forum, young children included. Obviously people can google it and work it out for themselves, I appreciate that. But, If you're happy posting it, fair do's :)


However, if I had a young child and they could now circumvent whatever internet blocks they had imposed on them (either at home, or school for example), then i'd be a bit pee'd off with you. Not to mention by doing so, you are going against any terms and conditions of usage or EUA/AUP.


Edit: Just to add, a lot (if not all) proxy sites are generally injected with spyware and other nasties. Again, if you're happy to advise on usage, you're ok jack ;)

nice bit of scaremongering, although i concede there may be an element of truth in your statement. However, if admin didnt impose senseless and draconian measures people wouldnt feel the need to find a workaround would they...........

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I agree, completely. But, this is a public place. If you want unrestricted wifi in a public place, use your phone or get a mobile wifi point. If not, then use whatever system is provided but at least agree (and adhere to) the terms and conditions of use?!?


I don't know what was in the T&C;s - but i'm fairly sure this would have been mentioned. I'd put money on it.


This isnt public wi-fi.....Most likely this bunch of clowns http://www.hospedia.co.uk/products-section-introducing-patient-media-72.html who IIRC were patient line and went bust as their business model of overcharging the sick for phone calls and TV............was complete rip off and failed.........



If someone is at work and the work is in no way shooting related why would they want to log into PW in work's time ??



This isn't about work internet (where the employer can impose as many stupid controls as they wish and discipline staff who circumvent them), but this is about purchasing of a service from a commercial provider who is blocking access to any media they don't like corporate censorship, how would you feel if your internet provider (a multi media conglomerate with fingers in every type of media outlet and now the distribution) and stopped you accessing a competitors website or services? You would move supplier, but in a monoply market where there is no choice and you have the content they "approve" or nothing then what would you do?????

Edited by HDAV
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This isnt public wi-fi.....Most likely this bunch of clowns http://www.hospedia.co.uk/products-section-introducing-patient-media-72.html who IIRC were patient line and went bust as their business model of overcharging the sick for phone calls and TV............was complete rip off and failed.........

Based on OP's location, possibly these guys http://www.wifispark.com/

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********. If there are policies regarding acceptable use etc then you shouldn't be seeking workarounds. And even there aren't there is a certain amount of responsibility you as an IT user should adopt.


It's the likes of you and your attitudes and fiddling that annoy IT departments, security teams.

who cares what the it dept thinks just dont tell them then they wont get upset :lol:

Edited by overandunder2012
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The fundamental issue here is not bandwidth or risk of viewer corruption or security, it is a political decision to bar paying customers from viewing a totally legitimate, legal website/forum.


Pigeon watch has to have the most avid profanity filter out there, it borders on the ************************** ridiculous at times and even filters out the abbreviation for Richard!!


It is just censorship pure and simple.

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My goodness I can only hope the PW internet police are very careful when ascending and descending from their high horses. Anyroad BASC are on the case (sort of)





Broadband internet - report blocked shooting websites to BASC

13 September 2012

talktalk150.jpgSome websites have been automatically categorised as over-18 by TalkTalk’s filtering software, HomeSafe. As a result, those sites may be blocked when the parental control programme is turned on. TalkTalk is now working with BASC to help improve access to websites with content about lawful shooting interests.




Unblocked websites

The following websites have been unblocked:


Please report problems to BASC

If you have experienced blocked access to shooting websites using Homesafe or any other content management programmes please let BASC know immediately. The more examples of incorrectly categorized websites received, the more likely it will be that similar sites won’t be blocked in the future. To report your findings to BASC use the comments box below or click here here to send us an email. We will only show your first name when publishing comments.

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