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Which Magazines do you read?


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Having regained a boyhood addiction to using air guns, and now earning more than the £2 a week from odd jobs which I used to, I've recently treated myself to an Air Arms S410 (second hand) it has a Logan silencer and a Hawk 3-9x40 mil-dot scope.


I've got a friend who has a field amidst other open fields, at least half a mile away from any houses, where he keeps cows and some chickens and he's happy for me to use an area to set up a range so I can have some practice then when I've managed to get the scope set up for me I'll be able to go with a friend who has membership of a game shoot nearby with which comes access to the same land for rough shooting.


Anyway - I find a struggle finding any air weapon magazines and would value anyone's opinions on which magazines seem to be giving the most consistent advice. I also prefer magazines which have a slightly more light-hearted writers.


I've also recently re-gained my shotgun license after having one when I was in my late teens, not having enough money to buy a gun and then not renewing it as I never seemed to have any time for shooting anyway.


I regularly read 'Sporting Shooter' as the articles are interesting and the reviews good, however they have no mention of air weapons at all within their pages.


I also find it tough to find any magazines on the subject at all. The closest was an 'Air-Gun Mart' type magazine that I didn't want to buy in case I'd paid to much for my rifle :good: !


I'm enjoying reading the articles and posts. Lots of them have been very helpful, so I'm hoping for more help on this subject.



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i wouldn't bother with any of the airgun magazines. you'll find all your answers on here. also the information provided by the boys and girls on this forum is tried and tested from there own experiances.


airgun magazines have writers who have sponsers, they'll sell there own products before giving good advise. also there's nothing but adverts in those mags, waste of money. once you've bought one you've seen them all. i'd say there only good for pre release exclusives, and then they rate them all above 90%, hows that work out?


regards and :good: PS I'm gussing you play golf

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regards and :good: PS I'm gussing you play golf


Thanks for the advice and the welcome. Yep I do play golf. Played as much as I could yesterday before the weather came in and we had to head to the 19th. However I'd have preferred to have my rifle with my that my clubs, cound have bagged up!!


Always one for an open chance I chatted to the barman who I know and offered my services to have a bit of a cull. Found out that the greenkeeper goes out with a rifle and a lamp already :oops: Still offred my free services though. Am playing golf again next Wednesday so will see if there's any chances of permission. Also approaching other local courses.


Cheers and Happy Chrimbo.


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Magazines have their place. I bought the usual suspects for a year until they began to repeat themselves.

However there are a couple of writers whom I do really respect and whose articles I never tire of reading.


Have a flick through them every month in WH Smiths and if you see something interesting and buy it.


Oh and the thing about magazines having sponsors who influence is complete bobbins. If you disagree start another thread rather than hi-jack this one :good:

I respect George Stevens and Terry Does opinions. Infact I have had the honour of speaking to Terry Doe so I speak from fact not opinion :good:

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very nice snakebite, the point about sponsers etc wasn't about anything else, just one reason why i dont buy them, not about wanting to start anything else :good:


it's nice to know you have trust through personnel experiance, i and thousands of others dont, and like you say, it's the same old same old. my advice was to ask his questions here so he'll get direct answers to question he has.


i read many sporting mags but find the airgun ones poor value. there's many more people on here who could write has well and offer much more. i can't take anything away from your friends, it's the magazine in general i dont like, not the individuals who write. :good:


how did you meet terry?

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I occasionally read airgunworld and airgunner magazines.I tend to buy them alternately...one month airgun world the next month air-gunner. I find they can be quite useful, but seem to be more adverts than anything else. I bought a few good airgun books/manuals which are very good indeed. its interesting to see how different authors have different opinions on the same thing. e.g. one book said "you only need one rifle" another one I read said "I recommend you have at least three combis to choose from"...but its all good :good:



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Come on chaps you have been a little solw here, Obviously most of the people on here read there FREE BASC Mag. and support our sport by being a member of the organisation that speaks up for us shooters. :D


I read "airgun world" / "Sporting gun" and "air gunner" if I am in a news agents that sell these mags, thoe I dont go out of my way to buy them every month. :D


They have all got lots (too many) of adverts in them. but the adverts are handy if you are looking to purchase sone shooting goodys. I suppose they make most of there money out of adverts.:good:


Having said that they are verry handy and are worth buying, they do have some good articles and good information in them. sporting gun is mostly shotgun related.


And as someone allready mentioned you will find anything you want to out on this forum. from people that have used equiptment and techniques for them selves Tried and tested. They are a good and helpfull bunch of members. :lol: some times :good:


Hope this helps and welcome to the forum,


Kipper :D

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very nice snakebite, the point about sponsers etc wasn't about anything else, just one reason why i dont buy them, not about wanting to start anything else :good:


how did you meet terry?


Wasn't having a go, honest. (just don't go telling anyone that though. I have my grumpy old man reputation to keep up :good: ) It is just I didn't want to derail this thread and thought it fairer to start onother one if it was going to get into a "discussion"!

If you look in the top right hand side of your screen you will see this site is "sponsored" by UK SHOOTWAREHOUSE. However I do not feel influenced by their presence nor do I feel as though they bias any thing on this site at all. It is just "buisness".


I have not met Terry personnaly but have conversed with both him and Gary Cooper, another man whose opinion I value greatly via another website. Both of them have taught me many things and more importantly made me think about how I approach different aspects of the sport.

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Too right waste of money those air rifle mags i dont know how many times over the years thay show you how to skin rabbits, dont you think i already know?, and if you didnt its better to take one down the local butchers ask nicely if he will show you. as for rifle reveiws well dont go by what thay say thay said that those are all good and worth buying just want your MONEY best surfing the net mate,


arnold, ipswich

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Too right waste of money those air rifle mags i dont know how many times over the years thay show you how to skin rabbits, dont you think i already know?, and if you didnt its better to take one down the local butchers ask nicely if he will show you. as for rifle reveiws well dont go by what thay say thay said that those are all good and worth buying just want your MONEY best surfing the net mate,


arnold, ipswich


They can be a bit repetative, after all there is a limit to trying to describe going in a field and shooting a rabbit. However they do have a purpose and I believe the gun tests are as unbiased as possible.

After all to be perfectly honest it is hard to buy a duff rifle nowadays. Everybody has a favorite but even the ones you don't like are quite good.

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True about the tests thay carry out, still like thay say its what ever rocks your boat its just what i think anyway and at the end of the day its totelly up too you




Totally i mean lmao


also i need to know how i can resize a pic so i can add one in anyone know how i can do it please

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I'm a bit of a sad nut when it comes to magazines and I buy all of the following: -


Shooting times (Subscribe)

Sporting Gun (Buy every month from local Solar or Garage)

Sporting Shooter (Subscribe)

Air Gun World (Subscribe)

Air Gunner (When I can remember to pick it up)

The Field (When I've had enough of the others for something different and upmarket)

Shooting Gazette (Depends if there's something in there I want to read after I have flicked through it in the store).

Countrymans Weekly (When I am somewhere they sell it)

CPSA Pull Magazine (Comes with membership, but not for much longer the robbing B*£$%£^s)


If you want to have some back copies of any of the above, we could arrange to meet up one day as I have loads and my missus keeps moaning at me to sort them out (This is the same for anyone else interested, if you live far away I'll happily post some Not all of them at the same time mind, how expensive would that be :blush:


There is some truth in the above posts about sponsored writers, but still some writers really captivate me. The likes of Terry Doe, John "The Hunter" Darling RIP, Terry Le Chaminet (Not sure I spelt that right), Eric Begbie all write good articles, but even so the best way of knowing how good something is is to test it out yourself. CLA Gamefairs Gunmakers Row is best to try any Airgun your thinking of buying as there all there to see, feel, and fire. Trouble is, like anything, until you get in the field you truely don't know how good or useful it will be. :P


The one thing I really don't like about any of the mags though is the amount of advertising that's in them, I'd rather pay more for more articles than less for some articles and thousands of full page adverts. :good:

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Thanks for all the responses.. I have enough trouble just finding a local shop that actually sells the magazines.


I'll take my advice from you guys for the meantime. I actually don't know how to prepare a rabbit so if there's a back issue that could be sent to me then I'd appreciate it.





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I actually don't know how to prepare a rabbit so if there's a back issue that could be sent to me then I'd appreciate it.


There are threads on here that cover it very well.

Failing that do as Arnold (I think it was him) said, go to your butcher with a rabbit and a bottle of wine and ask him to show you how to do it.

Not only will you learn how to do it, you might be able to get him to take any surplus rabbits off your hands!

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I actually don't know how to prepare a rabbit so if there's a back issue that could be sent to me then I'd appreciate it.


There are threads on here that cover it very well.

Failing that do as Arnold (I think it was him) said, go to your butcher with a rabbit and a bottle of wine and ask him to show you how to do it.

Not only will you learn how to do it, you might be able to get him to take any surplus rabbits off your hands!



Great idea :good: . I'm fairly friendly with the local butcher so he should be ameanable to giving me a lesson. :lol:





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