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Reccomend me a case

Will Poon

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I've got a double gun case, that's double depth. One gun broken fits in the base, the other gun broken fits in the top part with a full size hinged flap that velcro's onto the top part to keep the guns apart. Quite what they do for the high ribs I don't know. Franco Negrini makes the Perazzi cases, or at least he used to, here's a link to his website http://www.negrinishop.com/mec/site/index.asp?v=v_home&L=EN there might be something on there suitable.

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Thanks for all the info so far I've been out shooting today with 2 cases not very practical too be honest so a double case would be a lot better . A guy called phil from RUAG will give me a call tomorrow to sort one out I hope:)

I did look at the Negrini cases as they make them for perazzi so I've already seen one that I like the look of http://www.negrinishop.com/mec/site/index.asp?v=v_zoom&table=variants&id=var_20100312_153005_9094_53&L=EN I'll just have to make sure the high rib will fit in them :yes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got a case at last , I've searched high and low, rang numerous gun shops, emailed many companies and none would fit my 2 guns ready made bar one but if was was too heavy and in silly money land, so I looked at peli cases as mentioned by many on here.

It's a peli storm case im3100 . Very light in weight and would fit my 2 shotguns in when broken down. I used an electric knife bought cheaply from tescos at £8. As you can see from the pictures I laid out my guns on the foam to be marked around once that was done off I went to cut it all out.

Didn't take that long and the result wasn't too bad , a nice snug fit :good:





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