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Springs Clogging

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Surely wight feeders will only make things worse as a solid tube with holes in. If it blocks surely u will have to empty hopper.


If i get blocked springs i just saw throu straw or wotever blocking it with pen knife and do the same with each level of spiral until all clear, not that bad really. Always meant to buy a small cheap folding saw for this job, the teeth would make it a lot easier.


If u buy the wider brand of spirals/springs far better the narrow ones are a pain, we're trying to ork throu them all and replace them

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Run it through a cement mixer, brings all the chaff and straw to the front, you can then tip that out and use it for hand feeding and what your left with is pure wheat makes blocked springs a thing of the past.

It takes me and my shoot partner around an hour to do 25 x 25kg sacks.


If you do go this effort I would highly recommend adding some vegetable oil and aniseed concentrate to the mix!!

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That's a lot of work matt. Thats an hour for just over half a ton. I wouldn't have the time or patience for that


I buy my wheat pre bagged by the farmer so i'm very much at the mercy of the quality of wheat. To be honest don't have a lot off problems when using the wider springs, but i also drill holes in the bottom of the hoppers too so birds could peck wheat if it was blocked but more to let any moisture drain away instead of sitting on the bottom of hopper. Prob only takes a couple of minutes to cut debris out of a spring depending how badly blocked and would be quicker with a cheapy saw. Mind ur blade if got a fancy knife incase u hit metal at far side of spring

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Thanks for all the replies. Ours is a DIY shoot so we are all part time. checking the pens and feeders around pen each night an then big feed and check outer feeders on a sat. The springs are blocking with wheat and chaff, real pain. I have made a few wright type feeders out of bean tins so gonna give those a trial this weekend. I think we are gonna have to do something to remove the chaff a suggested.

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