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Pheasant help please


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Hi guys,


One of my landowners rang me mid morning telling me her lab pup had caught a pheasant and killed it. she was very peeved as he is undergoing training (thats all another story entirely).


However, she said it's in good knick and no ripped skin etc... so she has left it in her shed tied up incase I want it.


So, firstly - would it be ok to eat? Just thinking that it's been 15-16 degrees today, so would that make it bad?


Secondly, it would be hard to pick up tonight - would it last until saturday in the current weather?

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Peel it, sniff it, look for any signs of green particularly near the vent. I wouldn't hold out on it being good with the warmth and the likely damage from the attack.

Is this a Woman or Pheasant your describing or all birds in general,as most of us peel em off and have a sniff to check if its fresh

while checking if its gone green round the vent :lol: :lol:



Edited by figgy
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Is this a Woman or Pheasant your describing or all birds in general,as most of us peel em off and have a sniff to check if its fresh

while checking if its gone green round the vent :lol: :lol:



Haha, made me laugh some!

I am going to go over saturday morning and say thanks and take it and shoot some bunnies whilst there and probably just chuck it if it looks too gnawled. Cheers guys

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