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a drunken tale


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life is great i just love it :blush:


today i took my lad and lass to nusery then spent some quality time with her in doors ie

shoping lunch etc wont tell you about the etc :blush:


went back and got the brats sarah 4 and andrew 2 and had friends round

went out for a walk with my dogs kids and there bikes the better half and friends kid glen and bike

oh and mark and alex mayhem madnes and a happy time was had by evry dog and person


ordered ****** sat down at table ate ****** washed down with 2 bottles of wine

playe games with kids for an hour or two



of to pub with my mates several whiskeys a good chat in my local and im hear with the gimp mask on and shes wereing the strap on


life dont get much better thanks god and or whoever !! :blush:


i have a great life and i thank you



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These days the term ****** is considered racist.........

dont be silly mate its not, not in my book anyway :blush:


thanks hendry for editng my post ya dafty war on a peacefull field is fine by me mate



ps so you did like my fire saftey message :lol::lol::lol::lol:


heres wishing you many sleeps on all your shifts :P:P:lol:


cheers kirky


Colin, that probably qualifies as your best post of the year. :blush:


Its good to spend time with your family and truly appreciate what you have. :blush:


My comments were made beforehenry d edited his post to add the middle paragraph.

h d edited it thanks for that mate

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mmmmmmmmm it was henry d that change my post ask dear bare



im not going home after pub as the wife liked the idea ???:yes::yes:




so thanks henry your a true mate


i hope revenge tastes sweet


cheers kirky



i know you pole dance in your spare time !!

all that talk of practice in the station on your pole etc :lol:??????

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