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today duck flighting


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Hello guys,thought we would go and some duck flighting this morning,left the house at 4.30 arrived at 6,had a report there was a lot of duck about there Thursday,we starded to get abit excited thought we'll have a good morning,we don't put any duck down there they are all wild sometimes there's a lot and the other times nothing but that's how we like it,but I think we have had a lot to much rain and these ducks can go anywhere they like,we do feed it up twice a week,when we got there we could ear plenty about,but down came the rain hammering down it was only three off us,not enough to cover all the water quite a few came in but always on opposite ends to where we were,i went on one pond and managed to shoot two mallard and a teal, my son inlaw and the other chap on another pondthey had a few shots but only had one mallard then I managed to shoot a snipe abit later and that was the end of that,one of these days we'll catch it right because there is alot of duck in the area,one or two photos of our ponds its lovely waters if this rain keep of for abit,Cheers guys. :good:




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Hello bigthug,its reed with the odd piece of gorse,theirs another three ponds like them ,but I don't know what happened I took the photos but no pictures,must have done something wrong with the camera,was hoping for some woodcocks but still abit to mild for them I think,went out early just as it was getting light yesterday and try and get some pigeons,shot one as soon as I got there,i thought I was going to have a good morning,as i'v been watching hundreds of pigeons feeding on the beach all the week turned out that was the only one I had,came home got dressed up and march out up the senataff,while were rembering our fallen hero's there was about 2 thousand fly straight over our heads and guess where the were going excactly where I was earlier.Cheers boys.

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