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3 Minute Fox

The Essex Hunter

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With a shoot day fast approaching I went to Peter Theobald’s farm this evening as he had seen a fox early this morning…
The cloud cover was spot on but with not a breath of wind it would be our undoing if we were not carful…
I set up on my quad sticks and called for a couple of minuets and PT flicked the lamp on…the fox stopped in its tracks and my gun was facing the other way.
Off went the light and a nudge in the ribs so I lifted the gun and sticks around, by this time the fox had backed tracked close to the hedge so it was know or never to rely on there habit of that last look….and he did…smacked him broadside at 200 yards.
Very heavy dog fox with a weight closer to 30 lbs than 25!!
A tour of the land showed no eyes from any more calling…
Home by 9 for a cupper and my shoot date invite for the 14th confirmed.


Edited by The Essex Hunter
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Ta Mas...It is a case of shooting the granny out of them...my tally is 82 since jan 10 th so some lean times ahead. I have 2 tricky ones on a farm where the farmer likes to do it his self and missed 3 in one night then rang me...so I can see a few frustrating nights coming up.

However the mating season is closing so it might give me a chance... :innocent:



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