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Was.out this morning for a shoot at pigeons and all the crops.round my way had been harvested and when i located where the pigeons where they where on a bird seed mix and the birds where flying in and out of the small.field no bother, so i decided to give themca wack so all i had was 6 shell decs and i thought that would be enough and that the would decoy well i should have known the pigeons **** off and never returned a part from the odd bird coming in, there was still birds flying but the just would decoy, sorry for the rant but what would you guys do for next time add movement to the spread or what?


Would deeply appreciated some help

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It's hard this time of the year, try sitting under a flight line if they won't decoy easy, at least your get some shots, failing that movement in the pattern works but the birds are all flocked up now I've found so often one shot and they're gone for the day.

A bit more time spent watching what they're up is time well spent.

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If the birds were flying in and out when you arrived, I would not have put out any decoys until I saw how committed they were.

Sometimes if you leave the picture the same the birds will return and you will have the opportunity to shoot a few.

Then use the dead birds to see if they will pull in any passers.


In my area the birds are still mainly in the woods, only coming out for brief forays on berries, or chickweed, etc.,

They are not staying in one place, but flitting about like butterflies, this makes them very hard to decoy.

We need a few hard frosts.

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1. How many birds were on that field.

2. You could probably do with a few more deeks at this time of year

3. Yes, movement was definitely needed today. There wasnt alot of wind.

4. How big was the field, were you set up where you saw the birds. Or where the birds were in the air coming in and out?


Also strangford look for old stubbles, that really what they are on at the minute. If there is no snow they will switch on to spuds after christmas

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A good 40

Your right

Your right again

Bout 5 acre field, yes and yes,



1. How many birds were on that field.
2. You could probably do with a few more deeks at this time of year
3. Yes, movement was definitely needed today. There wasnt alot of wind.
4. How big was the field, were you set up where you saw the birds. Or where the birds were in the air coming in and out?

Also strangford look for old stubbles, that really what they are on at the minute. If there is no snow they will switch on to spuds after christmas

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I agree , I saw one or two fields with more than that on today and did not even bother setting up .


Shooting is always going to be hard this time of year , even more so if there are not many birds.


I would want a minimum of 12 decoys and often use 30 or more in the winter , a rotory is a big bonus on rape so get saving for one.

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40 at this time of year is rarely worth the effort. That could be your problem. Just not enough birds. Those bags I have been geting are off fields with several hundred on the ground feeding.


I agree , I saw one or two fields with more than that on today and did not even bother setting up .


Shooting is always going to be hard this time of year , even more so if there are not many birds.


I would want a minimum of 12 decoys and often use 30 or more in the winter , a rotory is a big bonus on rape so get saving for one.


When you.see 40 birds down my neck of the woods you set up and try and shoot a few birds are not hear in there hundreds

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When you.see 40 birds down my neck of the woods you set up and try and shoot a few birds are not hear in there hundreds

I have shot in that area before. If you have car strangford you need to put the miles in your local area. There are estates not far away that hold birds. Downpatrick, crossgar, rowallane. It has taken me years to learn flightlines. Yes, your correct we dont have the numbersof other parts of the uk and ireland, but they are there if you put the hours in.


Its no different than the ducks. You wouldnt expect to just walk onto the shore and shoot a bag of ducks. The pigeon are no different.They have their spots at certain times of year and in certain conditions. I spend just a much, if not more time looking for them, than I do shooting. On the odd occassion a farmer will call me, but thats the exception.


They can be pain in the **** but stick at it. Dont set up on field of 40 birds, it will more than likely be a waste of time.

Edited by Dr D
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Was.out this morning for a shoot at pigeons and all the crops.round my way had been harvested and when i located where the pigeons where they where on a bird seed mix and the birds where flying in and out of the small.field no bother, so i decided to give themca wack so all i had was 6 shell decs and i thought that would be enough and that the would decoy well i should have known the pigeons **** off and never returned a part from the odd bird coming in, there was still birds flying but the just would decoy, sorry for the rant but what would you guys do for next time add movement to the spread or what?


Would deeply appreciated some help

I would double check first that your Farmer is happy for you to shoot over a wild bird seed mix, many are not especially if its ELS subsidised....None of the landowners on the 10,000 acres I have access to let me do so.

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I would double check first that your Farmer is happy for you to shoot over a wild bird seed mix, many are not especially if its ELS subsidised....None of the landowners on the 10,000 acres I have access to let me do so.


Yeah double checked with him before o set up and he said shoot away not that there was much shooting an way

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