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Which 3 1/2" semi-auto would you buy?


Which 3 1/2 semi-auto is for you? Pigeons / Wildfowling  

99 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would you buy for a wildfowling/pigeon shooting semi-auto?

    • Benelli SBE 1
    • Benelli SBE 2
    • Beretta Extrema 1
    • Beretta Extrema 2
    • Beretta A400 Xtreme
    • Winchester SX2
    • Winchester SX3
    • Browning Maxus
    • Hatsan Escort (early models)
    • Hatsan Escort (late models)
    • Franchi Raptor
    • Browning A5
    • Remington VersaMax

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This is going to be more like census to see witch 3 1/2 semi-auto is most commonly owned by PW members :ninja::innocent:


quite right as i bought the 3 1/2 gun that i wanted, well almost... i bought a nice black benelli super black eagle 2 when i actually wanted the camo version but i had to buy what i could afford within my budget and was avaiable, as lefties are not the most common gun on the used market


did quite fancy the a400 though... if i win the lottery i might buy a second fowling gun :)

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i love my SBE2 but have to admit im struggling a little with it.. im not the best shot in the world but have struggled while fowling, missed a goose last week i should not have missed so took it on the clays the following day and my score was way down, at least the clays have shown my problem and i know im shooting a touch high so just have to get used to it


i will also add tha tanyone considering one for fowling that on the black version the barell coating isnt the most resistant so mine will get a cote of cerakote at the end of the season

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I think it would be different if it was a which would you buy if money was no object post .

Clearly if someone would rather buy a hatstand over a xtrema 1 or 2 they are either, A) buying to a budget (which I perfectly understand) or B ) suffering from some kind of mental disorder :lol:

Edited by fenboy
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I think it would be different if it was a which would you buy if money was no object post .

Clearly if someone would rather buy a hatstand over a xtrema 1 or 2 they are either, A) buying to a budget (which I perfectly understand) or B ) suffering from some kind of mental disorder :lol:

I read today in the news that one in four Hatsan owners are on medication for a mental disorder. This really brought home to me the horror of the situation. That means three out of four owners aren't receiving the medical treatment they need.

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i love my SBE2 but have to admit im struggling a little with it.. im not the best shot in the world but have struggled while fowling, missed a goose last week i should not have missed so took it on the clays the following day and my score was way down, at least the clays have shown my problem and i know im shooting a touch high so just have to get used to it


i will also add tha tanyone considering one for fowling that on the black version the barell coating isnt the most resistant so mine will get a cote of cerakote at the end of the season

I assume you have had no problems with it on clay cartridges... I have had a stoeger once and it put me off interim systems pretty much! I wish I could get a sbe2 as they are half he price of a A400... But I can't help thinking "inertia" :-(

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You've missed out the Remington Versa Max.


Added for you

Why isnt the new an old browning A5 up there them guns are brilliant?

Added for you too haha

If you want a 31/2 inch semi that will cycle ANY cartridge from sub-sonics up then get a Versa Max.


Regards Remmyman

You too

Just what I was thinking , mines been great so far.

Added the new options...

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I assume you have had no problems with it on clay cartridges... I have had a stoeger once and it put me off interim systems pretty much! I wish I could get a sbe2 as they are half he price of a A400... But I can't help thinking "inertia" :-(


i used it on a small local club and only did 40 sporting clays and apart from my score was way down compared to my usual over/under it was fine

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