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benjamin as392


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right first off I know these are not in the same league as your air arms etc and are near the bottom end of the scale of pcp rifles but I only need it for shooting the ferals off the rafters of the buildings on 1 of my farms [ .22 rimmie too powerful as a couple of times the round has gone straight threw and put a hole in the tin roof ] . and do not want to have a lot of money sitting in the cupboard in an air rifle .

I got a Benjamin as392 yesterday of a lad and I,m wondering if any of you have done any simple mods to get a little more umpff out of them.

googled it but didn't come up with much of any use


sorry mods double post can you remove one please

Edited by hodge911
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right first off I know these are not in the same league as your air arms etc and are near the bottom end of the scale of pcp rifles but I only need it for shooting the ferals off the rafters of the buildings on 1 of my farms [ .22 rimmie too powerful as a couple of times the round has gone straight threw and put a hole in the tin roof ] . and do not want to have a lot of money sitting in the cupboard in an air rifle .

I got a Benjamin as392 yesterday of a lad and I,m wondering if any of you have done any simple mods to get a little more umpff out of them.

googled it but didn't come up with much of any use


sorry mods double post can you remove one please

This bit gets a bit tricky. None of us SHOULD be advising someone how to mod a gun for more power without knowing what it's firing at now! If it's low on power (below 10.5) then do a seal change, re-grease and see how that goes, these are things that might help get the gun back to factory standard without risking going over the magic 12ft/lb. Beyond that, it might be helpful to know what it's doing right now, before you start playing around with the valves and such like. Any chance you could run it over a chrono?

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If you can find out the power first then you will know if it needs tinkering with although anything above 9 ft lbs should easily be enough for close range ferals.


Chambers gun spares usualy have exploded diagrams to work from but I don't know if they would have your rifle listed.

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ok points taken board ..............

plans are now ;

I,ve ordered new seals for gun from chambers .. going to replace them lube them make sure everything nice and clean maybe polish a few things and try it on a chrono with a couple of different pellet types .

quick question what would be the best lube to use

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Polishing things will make very little difference on a PCP so i would save the time and hassle , for seals a little dab of washing up liquid as lube is as good as anything .

does it not go " sticky " after a little while ?? used to use it to lube the string while fitting rubbered in screens and it used to get quite sticky while doing that..

Edited by hodge911
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Wasting yer money.....tried to help earlier but you never replied.



sorry mate didn't mean to offend in any way ......as an answer to your question I have not got a clue all that it is marked up as is a Benjamin AS392 its the one that takes the 88g co2 bottle wich screws into the front. got for pennies mate


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It should have a two stage cocking 1/2 power and full power.

You pull the cocking bolt back all the way for full power.

Putting a new or stronger Hammer spring in it can give you a bit more power.

New hammer spring from Chambers £3.25.

They seem to be doing around 9 ftlb on the full power has standard.

Have a look at www.trrobb.com For parts and tuning bits.

A better hammer spring might get it up to 10.5 ftlb.

Whatever you do RUN IT OVER A CHRONO after working on it. Just to be safe.

9 & 10 ftlb is just the job for shooting feral pigeons in barns.

There is a change in power on CO2 Guns between Summer & Winter. Less power when cold.

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My apologies....I wondered if it was a Benjie Discovery. I had one of them and it was very low velocity.

In saying that I would not be surprised if yours has the same restrictions....especially the transfer port!

In true Crosman tradition it could have a tiny hole in the transfer port of about 1.5mm and usually opening it to 2 or 2.5mm gives them a boost. There is more that can be done to the valve if it is of Crosman design but in hot weather it could sneak over the limit!!!!


If it is not leaking I would leave the seals alone.





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mmmmmmmm looks like it will do the job I want it for .

don't know if it leaks the canister it was empty when I picked it up and have not been able to get a full one yet so I have no idea what the score is with it

I took a gamble with it for the price I got it for I don't mind messing with it .

personally I cant see the point in having £££s in an air rifle that I will not be using very much maybe a couple of days a month .got me 10/22 for the bunnies and stuff

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