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winchester 17hmr

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Today I decided to branch out from the Hornady ammo (17 grain). Been though about a 1k with out any issues, grouping was good but wanted to test a few others. 20 grain hornady just didnt group well from my gun and then tried some winchesters 17 grain. They grouped well but half way though the box found this round, has completely put me off them. Relised it was abnormal as it wouldn't come out of its hole in the box!


Any one else had one this misformed?






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As said there are bound to be duff ones in anything thats mass produced , quality control is only ever checking a certain size sample of a production run at set periods and at the speed machines run it would be impossible to see each and every one , at my work we reckon on a fault rate of 1 /10000 .


If they shoot well I would stick with them , if you were getting some in each box it would be a different matter.

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I had a Hornady HMR round with the head seated upside down and to be honest I was hugely disappointed with the HMR calibre in terms of ammunition quality as I had a huge amount of fliers. I get fliers with the 22lr but at £2.50 per box you expect that but when HMR is approaching centrefire prices I expect high quality consistent ammunition.


HMR around here is £28/100 but I can get .223 for £33/100 which leaves me with nice brass too!



Edited by grimey121uk
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I had a Hornady HMR round with the head seated upside down and to be honest I was hugely disappointed with the HMR calibre in terms of ammunition quality as I had a huge amount of fliers. I get fliers with the 22lr but at £2.50 per box you expect that but when HMR is approaching centrefire prices I expect high quality consistent ammunition.


HMR around round here is £28/100 but I can get .223 for £33/100 which leaves me with nice brass too!



That will have some punch, I read somewhere that soldiers in WW1 I think it was twigged that turning the bullet over meant it would pierce the armour on tanks !

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I had a Hornady HMR round with the head seated upside down and to be honest I was hugely disappointed with the HMR calibre in terms of ammunition quality as I had a huge amount of fliers. I get fliers with the 22lr but at £2.50 per box you expect that but when HMR is approaching centrefire prices I expect high quality consistent ammunition.


HMR around here is £28/100 but I can get .223 for £33/100 which leaves me with nice brass too!




Well, something was wrong somewhere, I have fired many 1000's of rounds of HMR, and frankly I can't remember any fliers. I have had loads of split cases and make no suggestion that HMR is quality ammo, but it sure as heck is consistent in my experience, even the split cases make no difference to POI. :good:

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