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Which pellet?


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I use these h&m coppa-point-pellets .22 all the time, only for close range shots upto 20yrds (grouping 1/4'')after that there no good for long range 30+ yrds, but for a pellet there well made...



But would these pellets being, quote; "extra-hard" not damage or scar the barrel ? or does'nt it make any difference :look:

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IMHO i can see no benefit to having an extra hard pellet especially for hunting. You want as much energy transfer as possible. A harder pellet may not deform properly and travel through as opposed to a softer pellet that will deform, transferring more of its energy.


It would also suggest that there is less lead in the pellet and therefore making it lighter. Desirable maybe in a springer but certainly not in a PCP. Get them chrono'd to find out what output your getting.

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I have not seen the pellets so bear that in mind when I say that they should be o.k as long as the skirt and outside diameter surface of the pellet are lead and only the point is copper.


The whole pellet is copper coated although the skirt is slightly harder than a pure lead skirt

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I use these h&m coppa-point-pellets .22 all the time, only for close range shots upto 20yrds (grouping 1/4'')after that there no good for long range 30+ yrds, but for a pellet there well made...



But would these pellets being, quote; "extra-hard" not damage or scar the barrel ? or does'nt it make any difference ???



No damge will be made to the barrel

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just my 2c's...

if your air rifle has a choked barrel...then you might want to use a softer pellet. havnt used these copper pellets..but i have some prometheus pellets..like someone said they are better for short range (less than 30yds)..but provides good clout to handle bigger game! ???



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..but provides good clout to handle bigger game! :angry:


NO NO and thrice NO.


It will NOT mean you can use it on bigger game.


See sticky on top of forum for list of what you can and cannot shoot over here, that is the size of game that is suitable fo an air rifle regardless of power.


No damge will be made to the barrel


Are you 100% sure and if so why?

Just curious thats all as to me it would appear from the description that it COULD cause problems. ???

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I was buying a sling from an online shop the other day and I got to browsing and saw some pellets that looked like they had some kind of plastic pointed centre with what looked like copper round the inner core.


Can't remember their name and my work firewall bans any site that's classified as 'Weapons' ??? so I can't look now either. Anyone know what I mean and anyone tried them.


I was tempted :angry: - but managed only to buy some Bisley Magnums which I've seen endorsed by members here. Having said that I'll generally only ever use the Air arms field Diablo’s in my PCP as I'll know what I'm getting fairly consistently then.


The Magnum question raised it's head in my mind too - what would be valid uses and waht should I expect as a difference from my usual Air Arms.





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Bismags are a very heavy pellet, im my view they are really only of any advantage in an FAC air rifle where the extra power can overcome the spoony trajectory and make use of the extra weight. Only my view of life, I am sure someone will be along in a minute to tell me I am wrong ???


Its all about range you shoot at, and how they group for you that's important. In a legal limit PCP bismags might prove useful for closer range rats or whatever - the problem is they are very heavy and therefore make the trajectory very much more curved and therefore harder to judge range.


It is also worth noting that even guns sold as legal limit may in fact produce more than 12FPE when used with a heavier pellet. Always worth you getting it crono'd so you know where you stand, ignorance isn't an acceptable defence :angry:


I tend to side with the general view here that you find a pellet which works for you in your rifle and stick with it.

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Don't forget that every different type of pellet will affect your zero. You will have to re-zero every time :angry:


Plus the fact that your gun may not like a certain pellet and thus render them useless ???


Oh and anything plastic or novelty shaped is best avoided to be honest. Stick to the tried and tested.

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22 pellets move slowly so there is no fouling in the barrel anyway


Nice theory but somewhat flawed ???


Get a pencil and draw a line on a bit of paper, then do it quicker and quicker until no line appears.

You could be there all day because no matter how fast of slow you draw the pencil down the paper it will always leave a line.

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Getting back to the copper pellets thing now. I used to use them in my bsa meteor when I was a teen, they have been around for some time. I never had any problems with them messing the barrel up, and I fired thousands of them! Not really much use unless you are chest shooting birds. I'd stick to lead, I don't use coppa points any more as they go off at longer ranges :lol:

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why would you create a pellet with a copper lining for good accuracy when its actual preformanc is ****.


Being a bit sceptical here but it seems they keep coming up with "gimmicks" and even rehashing old ones because it keeps the market moving. By constantly bringing out "new" ideas people keep buying new things. I, on the other hand have given up doing this through bitter experience and just stick to the one pellet because I know it works. At one time I was buying every different gimmicky bit of kit I could find, realising I had wasted my money and just stuck to the good solid basics.


The copper pellets seem to be a specialist pellet and not a general all rounder. If you are after a particular trait then they might be o.k. but for an allrounder stick to a lead diablo shaped one that likes your barrell.

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