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First project, suggestions please!


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My brother got me a whittling knife set for Christmas and I was wondering what people would suggested for a first project? I have been born with a chronic lack of patience, so I'm hoping this might teach me some...


What wood is good to get started with and how do I recognise it?!


Any advice would be much appreciated.



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Willow is a great wood to learn to carve with, as it carves easily, and is readily available (most farmers I know regards it as a weed, and are only too happy for me to cut it back).

I use a lot of it teaching knife skills to Scouts (usually make tent pegs, pot hangers and spoons).

Beware - it's addictive!

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I would go for Lime or American box - both available from Craft Supplies or other outlet, easy to carve and not too prone to splitting. Don't bother with anything too hard like walnut, holly or oak. Never tried willow so can't comment on that


First object I was given to carve at night class was an egg - gets you used to carving curves and not so easy to get symmetrical and even. After that the next was a duck head for a stick. This is basically an egg with a beak on, then eyes carved on the side.


Good luck and but in plenty of plasters - your first few attemptsobjects will no doubt be rather red in colour

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