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Shooting with Kdubya and charlie


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Got a phone call about tea time from Kdubya to ask if i fancied a bit of pigeon shooting tommorow and he would pick me up in the morning about 9.30 ish.

Anyway during the talk i said did he fancy a quick look round for a few bunnies well if you know Kieth like i know him mention bunnies and his eyes light up like organ stops.

Ive never met anyone that loves shooting rabbits more than him.


He came over about 6.30 we had a ride over to one of my shoot a big estate house that has a load of rabbits in the paddock behind it. We got there just after 7pm had a quick look with the new NV monocular that i got from Liddle's superstore a few weeks ago.

Not a bloody thing we then lamped the paddock and the field behind saw one rabbit in the hedge bottom and i shot it useing the .22 rimmy as its quiet near the house.


Decided to get back to the motor and have a ride round a few farm track's and see whats what.

We saw some hares now normally i dont shoot them but on this farm they are over run with the bug**rs still i refrained and only shot one with the HMR, we had nearly

done the round on one farm when i spotted a charlie in the field on kieth.s side it was well out.

Engine off spotlight on started to squeak he started coming then dropping back in the end he just sat in the middle of the field and watched us this went on for a good 20 minutes.


We decided to drive furthur down the lane with the lights of and see what he did i wasnt to sure he could hear me squeaking as it was blowing a gale and he just seemed to like the lamp.


Anyhow drove down the lane about 100 yds pulled in tried with the spotlight again he was just sat there but a lot closer had to use the HMR because the 223 was at home in the safe took aim and BANG switched its lights, out right between the eye's one comment from Kieth "********* hell that gun is accurate" Big dog fox..


First one in 2007 heres to many more :yp: ??????


Used the rangefinder to check after it was 90yds..... :lol::P

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nice one mate :yp:


bagged my first of 2007 saturday night ,same sort of story big dog sat out in field crept in with truck out onto bonnet BANG chest shot flat out ,strided it out next day 180yrds.

I am using a 223 i was chuffed with that usually sqeek them into 130 ish just felt right this time ???

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