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Reloading for driven Boar

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I have been invited to Croatia to try driven boar shooting, not sure if I can go this year but will have more time from next year,

as I enjoy reloading and working up loads thought it might be a project for this year to get a load worked up.

So for my 6.5x55 or my 7mm 08 what bullet weights should I be looking at to order to play with, or are the calibre's I use unsuitable ??


cheers Doc

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From personal experiences I've found that Hornady 150grain SST do plenty of damage to drop wild Boar, tried others Acubond, other nosler bullets from 180 to 200 grain, sierra soft point 150grn, seen or should say not seen Boar hit hard with Barnes others hit by pretty blue 308 bullets. But the SSTs just seem fine for me coming from a 30.06 at around 2900 fps

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I used 30-06 S&B ammo with 180 nosler partition and had no great issue but that is based on a one shot one kill record so not as experienced as dougy or nickbeardo on the matter. Interestingly one of my far more experienced Austrian companions shot 3 pigs and a mouflon on the trip but used 16 rounds to do it and reported disapointment with the ammo. It really depends where you hit them i suppose, maybe i was lucky?

Lucky hat maybe ? ;)

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Shot placement is of course paramount, have a look at the anatomy of wild boar obviously heart lung shots being favorable.

Its surprising how low the heart lies.post-2987-0-37212300-1391368710_thumb.jpeg


the picture shows a shot just above and behind the front elbow joint will hit the mark well.

2 of the Boar I shot in Croatia were heart shot's, the other, the one that Mungler put (possibly) 2 shots into was a shot high between shoulder and head 1/2 way up.


I would choose the 7mm 08 between your 2 and go for 140grain SSTs, I know they get results.

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Well 140s or 150s, I looked up your 7mm 08 and it suggests 140 most accurate, only a quick look mind and obviously not aware of your most accurate load,bullet weight.

I use 150s from a 30.06 doing about 3000 so there shifting a bit, I agree about your comment about meat damage. But with regards to the Boar with all due respect you want to stop them, unlike Deer stalking your shooting a moving target and very often shooting between tree's or through brush, so shot placement is more difficult. You want do cause as much damage as possible the SSTs I found do, as you have found out on Deer.




picture of one I shot in the snow, on YouTube if you have a peep it dropped very shortly after, no exit wound found.

Edited by Dougy
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  • 4 months later...

Hi Doc, Have you thought any more about a Driven Boar trip ?

There's a good one just been offered on here, have a look and see what you think.

Hi Eddy

still desperate to go on one just trying to work out whats good and whats not

also I am retiring in March so may make it a project for after then as a present to myself

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Have a look at the bullets from Woodleigh as well, I have good experiences with both their RN and PP versions.


Go as heavy as possible for driven game, both calibers will do so use the rifle with whitch you are most comfortable.



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On one particular trip to Croatia I did quite well using PPU Grom 170gn in my .308 and they were about £10 a box at the time.

In fact on that trip I found, when talking to the local hunters, that PPU were very popular amongst them.

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